You can take a targeted loan for buying a car at almost any bank. A car loan helps you become the owner of a brand new car in a matter of days and frees you from long-term savings. To buy a car on credit is the most profitable, you should familiarize yourself with all the offers of regional banks and have a certain amount to make an initial payment for the purchase.

It is necessary
- - application form;
- - a package of documents for registration of a car loan.
Step 1
You can get a car loan profitably if you have a large enough amount to make a down payment. The higher it is, the less interest will be charged on the loan. Without an initial payment for buying a car, the interest rate of the loan will be maximum.
Step 2
The bank takes into account the client's solvency. If you have the opportunity to submit a certificate of income of the unified form 2-NDFL, and this can only be done by working citizens who are paid a "white" salary, and not in an envelope - do it. In the absence of a 2-NDFL certificate, you will not be denied a loan, since the bank always allows the client to submit a certificate in the form of a credit institution, but the interest rate will be the maximum.
Step 3
If you own real estate, do not have dependents, or are ready to pledge valuable property against the security of a loan, the interest rate on the loan will also be minimal.
Step 4
The car purchased on credit will be owned by the bank all the time until the debt obligations are fully paid off. Although not all banks offer such conditions. But in any case, a car is not a liquid property of high value, unlike real estate, so its collateral is unlikely to reduce the interest rate.
Step 5
The most profitable car loan you can get in the bank of which you are a regular customer, namely if you have repeatedly received consumer or mortgage loans and have successfully repaid them. For reliable borrowers, the interest rate is always minimal.
Step 6
To apply for a loan directly, you will need to apply to the chosen bank with a passport, fill out a form, and present a certificate of income. Some banks ask for additional documents if the car loan amount is large enough. For example, they may request a certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist, a certificate confirming the length of service, etc.