An urgent need for money arises in the life of almost every person. Nowadays, this issue is solved simply, you can take a cash loan at any nearest bank. But a person from the street will not be given a loan, the bank needs guarantees. Therefore, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with its requirements for the borrower in advance.

It is necessary
- - passport with registration at the place of the bank's presence;
- - insurance pension certificate;
- - income statement;
- - a copy of the work book;
- - a copy of the employment contract;
- - certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
- - certificate of ownership of real estate or vehicle;
- - guarantor.
Step 1
Pre-familiarize yourself with the terms of granting a loan in several banks in order to be able to compare and choose the best ones. This can be done on the banks' websites.
Step 2
In the same place, read the requirements of the bank for the borrower and think about which of the required documents you can provide to the bank. Depending on this, you can take out a loan with a different interest rate. If it is not possible to provide a certificate of income, then in order not to overpay extra interest to the bank, you can find a guarantor who can confirm his income.
Step 3
Calculate the average monthly loan repayment on the website using a loan calculator, based on the required loan amount. Please note that the actual payout amount will be slightly higher. In addition, any bank offers to conclude an insurance contract in case the borrower loses solvency for any reason and, more often than not, withholds the amount of insurance from the amount of the loan provided. You can refuse to conclude an insurance contract, but this may increase the monthly payment on the loan or lead to the bank's refusal to provide a loan.
Step 4
Apply for a loan on the bank's website. This will help to clarify the remaining questions, since after submitting the application, the consultant will call you back. He will also invite you to the bank for a loan on the day you have appointed with the approval of the loan by the bank, which is previously presented at the end of the conversation.
Step 5
Go to the bank on the appointed day and hour with the required documents, carefully read and sign the loan agreement, receive money at the bank's cash desk.