One of the best ways to make money on the Internet is, of course, creating your own website and monetizing it. Internet resources are able to bring webmasters pretty good passive income. At the same time, it is not necessary to make too large investments in such projects at the initial stage.

There are many ways to monetize sites. But some of them can be considered the most simple and profitable. First of all, the webmaster needs to decide, of course, with the theme of the future site.
The most profitable sites
To make money on your own Internet resource, the publisher will have to try to attract as many visitors to it as possible.
Owners of English-language resources earn the most on the Web. However, of course, not all Russian citizens know English. Therefore, our compatriots create sites in most cases in Russian. The most profitable topics in Runet are:
- building;
- news and entertainment;
- health;
- fashion and beauty;
- cooking;
- tourism.
It is these sites that are most often visited by Russian-speaking Internet users.
The easiest way to monetize an Internet project is, of course, to install contextual advertising. Most often, webmasters who make money on the Internet in this way cooperate with the Google and Yandex advertising networks.
A beginner who decides to install a contextual advertising block on his site should first of all pay attention to the Google AdSense system. Ads of this network can be seen on many Internet sites. The advantage of cooperation with "Google" is considered, first of all, that almost any site is accepted here, even with low traffic.
Ads of the Yandex advertising network on the Internet are somewhat less common. Cooperating with this company, site owners have the opportunity to earn more than when placing ads "Google Adsense". But only already well-promoted projects with an attendance of at least 300 people per day are accepted into the Yandex system.
Traditional sale of goods and services
Directly, by offering various kinds of goods and providing services, the owners of hosting services, paid cinemas, web workshops, for example, earn on the Internet. Of course, online shopping is a profitable business tool for many entrepreneurs.
There are only three schemes for making money on commercial sites:
- one-time deals with buyers;
- permanent subscription to services;
- PAYG models.
In a one-time transaction, an Internet user visits a resource and simply makes a purchase. According to this scheme, the Internet is mainly used by online stores.
The perpetual subscription model can be used, for example, by software developers. In this case, the client purchases some program with a limited license validity period. In the future, he must renew it for a fee.
The PAYG service implementation model (pay when you use) is considered convenient, for example, for communication providers. In this case, customers are charged depending on the traffic used.
affiliate program
With the help of affiliate programs on the Internet, both advanced webmasters and beginners make good money. Many commercial Internet projects on the Web today have special referral programs.
By installing the affiliate program of such a company on their website, the publisher gets the opportunity to earn on commissions. The owners of such sites usually receive money automatically, immediately after the visitor goes to the partner's resource and pays for any purchase.
Teaser networks
This way of monetization, according to experienced webmasters, is just perfect for entertainment and women's sites. The principle of teaser networks is to display ad units with catchy unusual headlines and pictures. For young sites with low traffic, the most suitable teaser services are, for example:
- TeaserNet;
- LadyCash;
- VisitWeb.
In this case, earnings do not come from purchases on partner sites, but simply from clicks on ads. The resource for this method of earning will first have to be slightly untwisted. As well as when using contextual advertising for monetizing a site, the site will first need to be sent for moderation to be checked for compliance with certain requirements.