Coming up with a name for a new store is a very serious job. For example, clothes or groceries always have their own brand, which the buyer usually remembers when purchasing a product. So it is with the "name" of the store. The success of your business depends on its name. In order for a store to attract customers like a magnet, you need to give it a suitable name. And for this you need to remember a number of rules.

Step 1
The name should be short, easy to pronounce and remember. If the store has its own target audience, then a cleverly chosen name is a good start for your business. In order for buyers to show interest in it and visit it more often, come up with a slogan name. For example, "Most needed products" or "Buy profit here". Remember, the more accurately the product is defined in the name and the audience for which it is presented, the more money it will bring you.
Step 2
The name of a household chemicals store should express the character, that is, the idea of the store. It must match the product mix and stand out from the competition. For example, "Lotos", "Hostess", "Shine", "Freshness" will make the store seem like a home, and therefore seductive and tempting for the hostesses. After all, we must not forget that it is women who are frequent buyers of household chemicals. A store called Cinderella, Snow White or The Magician creates the perfect image of a beautiful and caring hostess.
Step 3
The name should be original and simple in graphic representation. Another option is humor. It is he who can do you good service. When a name brings a smile, it is remembered in the head. This means that the main goal has been achieved - the customer is always yours. For a household chemicals store, names such as "TriDoDyr" and "Bubble" may be suitable.
Step 4
The name should not contain prohibited expressions. In order for the idea to come to your head faster, try to imagine yourself in the place of a person walking by your store. What associations does the name evoke in him? The name of the store should be such that a potential buyer would certainly want to drop by. And then, of course, it is not easy to look in, but be sure to purchase something.
Step 5
In promoting their store, many entrepreneurs organize various kinds of promotions and constantly make sales. However, the title should emphasize not all these discounts, but the quality and reliability of household chemicals. And also on the provided service and maintenance guarantee. The main thing is that your promises and slogans coincide with reality and do not deceive visitors.