Trading in household goods is a reliable and easy way to earn money, since these goods are always in demand. However, for success in this business, in addition to a wide assortment, a successful and attractive name for the store itself is necessary.

Step 1
First of all, gather information about your competitors. Information about the range and prices will never be superfluous, but first of all, at this stage, you should focus on the name. Write down all the busy options to avoid repetitions. Try to decide in what language you want to see the name, whether it will be an already existing word or a new formation.
Step 2
The next step should be a detailed marketing analysis aimed at drawing up a portrait of a potential buyer. In the case of a hardware store, this would likely look like 80% of women and 20% of men between the ages of 20 and 50.
Step 3
When choosing a name, be guided by the opinion and values of the largest component from the target audience. In the case of a household goods store, the first thing to take into account is the perception of women. Therefore, the emphasis can be placed on home, comfort, cleanliness (for example, "Clean House", "Comfort", "Dream of the hostess").
Step 4
When choosing a store or goods, men are more inclined to focus on their practical qualities or a specific result. Therefore, for them the name of the store should sound like a solution to a problem, for example, "Fast and Clean", "Easy Cleaning", "In One Moment".
Step 5
Based on the resulting portrait of a potential customer, decide how many words the name of the store will consist of. Remember that short and simple names are easier to remember, but if the option you choose is original and accurate, it can consist of two or more words.
Step 6
Make a list of suitable options. You can involve employees or acquaintances in this process. The wider the choice, the more likely you are to find a really good name for your hardware store. Thoroughly evaluate each of the options provided, checking them for euphony, ease of pronunciation, unambiguous perception, compliance with the store's theme.