What Is Better To Invest In

What Is Better To Invest In
What Is Better To Invest In

Money should work, not lie under the pillow. Even if the investment of the free amount does not bring a large profit, the benefit will consist at least in the fact that the money will not gradually depreciate as inflation rises.

What is better to invest in
What is better to invest in

Bank deposits

The simplest method of investing capital is using bank deposits. This does not require any additional knowledge and complex documents, it is enough just to open a personal account in the bank and deposit the required amount on it. The amount of the contribution that can be made without the risk of losing your savings is 700 rubles. - exactly this amount you will definitely get back in case the bank has financial difficulties. Please note that not all banks give such a guarantee, but only those that are bound by the corresponding obligations under the state deposit insurance agreement. If the free amount is large enough for you, you can take additional security measures - divide it into several parts and invest in different banks with equal deposit conditions.

The use of bank deposits does not provide a high profitability of the deposit - over the year the amount on the account grows by an average of 10%. Thus, the later you want to close the account and withdraw the capital, the greater the profit from such an investment of money. The advantage of bank deposits is the ability to invest money not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency, taking advantage of changes in its exchange rate.


Another way to make money work is to invest it in stocks. You can purchase these securities both independently and using the services of a broker. If you decide to do without an intermediary, you will have to carefully study the stock market in order for the investment to be beneficial. First of all, read the forecasts of analysts, based on which you can determine how risky the purchase of the securities you like will be. Do not try to multiply your capital several times in one operation: a sharp rise in the price of shares of any company often ends in a quick and equally rapid fall. Those who buy stocks, whose value is growing slowly but steadily, are more likely to make a profit.

And remember that it is difficult for a beginner who does not have enough experience in the exchange to compete with the professionals. Therefore, one should acquire shares gradually, little by little - then investing money in securities will pay off.

The property

Investing money in real estate is one of the most reliable ways not only to preserve, but also to increase capital. Real estate prices are characterized by stable growth, so after a few years you will be able to earn a good profit for your purchase. In addition, the purchased housing can begin to generate income immediately after the conclusion of the transaction - it can be rented out. You can buy not only apartments or country houses, but also empty land, especially if it is located in a place in high demand.
