Where Is It Better To Keep Money - On A Card Or Passbook

Where Is It Better To Keep Money - On A Card Or Passbook
Where Is It Better To Keep Money - On A Card Or Passbook

Recently, more and more people are starting to use cards to store money. Passbooks have receded into the background because some people find them not very convenient to use.

Where is it better to keep money - on a card or passbook
Where is it better to keep money - on a card or passbook

Bank card as a convenient "wallet"

A bank card is a product that allows you to deposit and withdraw funds at any time, as well as transfer them to another person. Paying by card is faster and more convenient than cash. Versatility and compactness allows you to pay for purchases at retail outlets in Russia and abroad, convenience and ease of use - to make transfers and pay for mobile communications, utilities and other services through ATMs, terminals and the Internet. Plastic cards are the same everywhere, only the conditions and tariffs are different (you can find out about them on Yandex or in any other search engine). A full-fledged card is better protected, since it has a chip, while an electronic card has only a magnetic stripe. The cardholder completely and completely disposes of his time, without wasting it in tedious queues at bank offices and post offices. You don't have to withdraw all the money at once, but use it as needed. It is better to keep the minimum amount on the card, partially replenishing it from the card account so that there is no access to the card account number. To receive money through an ATM, it is advisable to connect the Mobile Bank service, since when withdrawing money, SMS immediately comes, and you can track the movement of funds using a mini-statement.

It is best to use an ATM located inside the bank or in a well-guarded building.

The benefits of a passbook

One of the ways to save savings from inflation is to properly dispose of those funds that you do not plan to use in the near future.

They are not only insured by the state, but also provide a guaranteed income.

For the accumulation of funds, the most profitable option is a savings book, since when choosing a deposit, you can take into account the choice of the period for which it is planned to place the funds and the amount of the deposit. And for pensioners, there are deposits with an increased interest rate. Deposits can be opened in several types of currencies: in rubles, dollars and euros. The interest rate depends on the amount, the storage period and whether some of the money will be used during storage. Deposits provide for monthly accrual and capitalization of interest, transfer of interest to any other deposit or bank card. In case of early termination of the contract - preferential terms, automatic extension of the contract for a new period. It is convenient to use such a service as "Green Street": deposit owners can make transactions (both replenishment of the account and withdrawal of funds) regardless of where the account was opened, that is, they choose a structural unit that is more convenient for them at the moment. Additional services are provided: write-off of funds, execution of a power of attorney and testamentary disposition. About completed transactions, you can receive and control changes in your accounts, generate statements, make transfers from account to account, make external payments by connecting to services via the Internet.

In fact, a card and a passbook are one and the same. Behind all this is a bank account, on which the money lies. It is much more convenient to spend money using a card. And if there is a goal of accumulating money, it is better to put funds on a deposit-deposit at a decent percentage. But in terms of the degree of protection of savings, the savings bank is still superior to plastic cards.
