In the practice of trade and industrial enterprises, situations occur when it is necessary to return the goods back to the supplier. The return scheme is different, because it all depends on the reason, configuration and other factors. The order of such procedures and their reflection in accounting and tax accounting has its own characteristics.

Step 1
According to the Civil Code, the buyer has the right to return a defective product to the supplier, and in return he can demand a new one or terminate the sales contract.
Step 2
It should be noted that when the product arrives, poor quality can not be noticed immediately, for example, if it is some kind of woodworking machine. During the initial inspection, no defects were found, and in the process, workers noticed that he left scars. In this case, the supplier is obliged to take the goods back.
Step 3
If defects are found, the accountant needs to draw up a waybill for the shipment of products, while making the inscription "return of goods" so that there is no confusion in the future.
Step 4
If the poor quality of the product was revealed during its acceptance, then an act is drawn up. This document must be drawn up by a commission, which consists of the responsible persons of the buyer and, if possible, the supplier. The act is drawn up according to the form No. TORG-2.
Step 5
This document does not need to be produced when the supplier and the purchaser are performing a “sell-back” transaction.
Step 6
It should also be borne in mind that the buyer in no case should make corrections to the accompanying documents on his own, this can only be done by the supplier, namely the one who signed the documents.
Step 7
How to reflect the refund when calculating VAT. The tax authorities cannot give an exact answer to this question, then some accountants indicate the amount of VAT in section 2.1 on line 310. The recovered amount of VAT must be reflected in the sales book.
Step 8
When returning the goods to the supplier, the accountant must reflect this in the following entries: D76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" subaccount 2 "Settlements for claims" K41 "Goods" - low-quality products were shipped to the supplier; D76 subaccount 2 K70 "Payments with personnel for wages" - reflects the costs associated with the return of low-quality products, D76 subaccount 2 K68 "Calculations of taxes and fees" - VAT restored on the return of products to the supplier.