Your own website is a great source of passive income. The main income comes from advertising. But in order to make a profit, you first need to make an effort and spend a lot of time on website promotion. If you are sure that the topic will attract a large number of visitors, and the quality of the content will retain them and make them regular readers, start creating. When the site is ready, choose one of the monetization methods.

Banner advertising
A banner is an image advertisement that you agree to place on your site for money. The price for placement depends on the popularity and subject matter of the site. Affects the cost and size of the banner - the larger it is, the more expensive it is.
Most often, the cost is tied to 1000 impressions. On sites of popular directions with a large number of competitors, they will pay 20-30 rubles for this number of impressions. Highly specialized sites estimate the space on their pages more expensive - about 200-300 rubles.
Accordingly, the total profit depends on the number of visitors and their behavior on the site. The more popular the portal is, the more you can earn. 2-3 banners can be placed on one page - respectively, and the profit will increase 2-3 times.
You will have to search for advertisers who want to place their banners on your page yourself. This can be done on specialized sites or by sending letters with a compelling commercial offer to e-mails.
contextual advertising
At the moment, the most popular way to monetize a site. These are small ads that appear on pages in specially designated places. They are selected based on the topic of the site or the visitor's behavior on the Internet. For example, if a visitor recently entered the query "buy a dress", contextual advertising will suggest visiting online clothing stores.
For contextual advertising to appear on your website, you need to register with the Yandex Advertising Network and the Google Partners program. These systems will automatically pick up suitable ads. The site owner only needs to enter the ad unit into the code constructor and select the display locations. They will pay for the number of impressions or clicks on the link - depending on the ad settings. The cost of a click and an impression also depends on the topic and popularity of the site. For example, ads for the sale of luxury real estate can cost up to 1,000 rubles per click.
You can install 3-5 blocks of contextual advertising on one page. A larger number will annoy visitors and lead to a decrease in the popularity of the site.
Partnership programs
Another way to make money on sites is affiliate programs. The page contains a link by which the visitor can go to the partner's website. If a user buys something on this portal, you will be credited with a percentage of the sale.
If you use all the ways to make money on sites, you can get passive income of several tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles. But do not expect instant and easy profits. The site will have to be constantly monitored, updated and improved.