The administrative and legal status of organizations is a set of laws, bylaws and other constituent documents that determine the rights and obligations of legal entities in the areas of administrative responsibility and public administration.

Step 1
The legal status of the organization is determined by federal regulatory laws: "On production cooperatives", "On joint-stock companies", "On non-profit organizations", etc. Also, the administrative and legal status of various organizations and companies should be spelled out in charters, regulations and other legal acts legal entities.
Step 2
The legal personality of organizations with a legal status arises from the moment of state registration. Accordingly, it is possible to engage in certain activities that are subject to licensing only after the license itself has been obtained for a particular type of activity or services provided. The administrative and legal status of an enterprise is a combination of legal capacity, legal capacity and delinquency.
Step 3
The classification of any organization depends on: the form of ownership, the main objectives of the activity, organizational and legal forms, jurisdiction or subordination, as well as the nature and scope of powers with which they are endowed. Depending on the purpose of their activities, organizations are commercial and non-commercial. In part 1 of Art. 50 GK spelled out in detail that commercial organizations pursue profit-making as the main goal of their activities. In turn, non-profit ones do not have such a goal and are not obliged to distribute the received profit among all participants.
Step 4
Commercial organizations can be created in the form of: societies and partnerships, municipal and state institutions, production cooperatives and even unitary enterprises. However, the latter are not endowed with property rights. Non-profit organizations can be created in the form of: public organizations, religious associations, consumer cooperatives, charitable foundations and others, which are provided by law.
Step 5
Also, organizations differ in the nature of their activities. These can be: institutions, enterprises, various public associations (foreign, international, etc.). Organizations are also subdivided by type of ownership: state and non-state, public and religious, private and municipal. It is characteristic that the main classification of institutions and enterprises takes place depending on the results of their main activities.