How To Fill Out A Certificate Confirming The Main Type Of Economic Activity

How To Fill Out A Certificate Confirming The Main Type Of Economic Activity
How To Fill Out A Certificate Confirming The Main Type Of Economic Activity

Table of contents:


In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.08.2008 N 376n, to confirm the main type of economic activity, commercial and non-profit organizations annually, by April 15, submit a confirmation certificate of the main type of economic activity to the executive body of the Fund at the place of their registration.

How to fill out a certificate confirming the main type of economic activity
How to fill out a certificate confirming the main type of economic activity

It is necessary

computer, internet, printer, A4 paper, pen, company seal, relevant documents


Step 1

Follow this link, download the form for confirmation of the main type of economic activity, save the file in a convenient place for you, indicating the path on the disk

Step 2

Enter the date of filling out the confirmation certificate of the main type of economic activity: the date and year in Arabic numerals, the month in words.

Step 3

Enter your business name in full.

Step 4

Enter the taxpayer identification number of the organization in the appropriate field of the form.

Step 5

Write the date, place and registration number according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Step 6

Enter the start date of the business, i.e. since what time the company has been carrying out commercial or non-commercial activities.

Step 7

Enter the legal address where your company is registered.

Step 8

Write in full the last name, first name and patronymic of the head of the enterprise.

Step 9

Enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the chief accountant of the organization in full.

Step 10

Indicate the average number of employees in the firm for the previous year (for non-profit organizations).

Step 11

Complete the table titled “Distribution of Income and Income for the Previous Fiscal Year”. In it, write in the order of the names of the types of economic activity, indicate income for each type of economic activity (in thousands of rubles), as well as targeted receipts and financing (including budget financing, grants, etc.). Calculate the share of income and receipts corresponding to the OKVED code for each type of economic activity in the total amount of income and receipts (as a percentage). For non-profit organizations, indicate the number of employees in the previous year for each type of economic activity.

Step 12

Calculate the total amount of income, earmarked income and funding for commercial organizations, for non-profit - the total number of employees.

Step 13

Enter the name of the main economic activity of the enterprise.

Step 14

Enter the OKVED code of your company.

Step 15

The chief accountant and the head of the organization put their signatures on the form, indicate the decoding of their signatures.

Step 16

Confirm the confirmation with the company seal.
