The issue of purchasing their own home worries many. Savings are not always enough for this, sometimes you have to go to the bank and get money on loan. Having received a positive response from the bank, you can safely choose an apartment according to your own taste.

Step 1
Select the bank from which you are going to take out a loan. Each of the organizations operates according to its own system, the amount of interest is different, and the contract does not always allow you to repay the mortgage ahead of schedule. Chat with those who have already taken funds from a particular bank, read reviews on the Internet. Talk to a loan officer at the bank, he will answer all your questions and provide complete information on the size and repayment of the loan.
Step 2
Submit preliminary applications to different banks and, having received the completed documents, compare the terms of mortgage programs, choosing the most profitable in the end. Lower requirements for the form of proof of income (when you do not need to bring a certificate of salary), the size of the down payment (usually from 10% or more) or insurance of the risks of the transaction may be caused by an increase in the interest rate.
Step 3
Collect the necessary documents, estimate the cost of the mortgage. You have to pay commissions, interest, insurance premiums, rent of a safe deposit box, appraisal of real estate, its registration and other amounts that will have to be paid monthly, as they are included in the payment schedule. Ask your inspector or manager for a table of calculating the total cost of the loan. Study it carefully.
Step 4
Follow the advertisements, sometimes banks deliberately offer favorable terms, for example, "take a loan on your terms" or promise a deliberately low interest on payment. This is not always true, but you can check. So, "Sberbank" offers loans for young families at a favorable rate, there is a system of early loan repayment. And Uralsib has retained the practice of differentiated payment of payments, which will reduce the amount of overpayment in case of early repayment.
Step 5
Take out a mortgage loan in the currency in which you receive income, for example, in rubles. Because, if you take in dollars or euros, when they fall against the ruble, you will have to pay a large amount on the mortgage loan.
Step 6
Calculate your strength, do not take too much. It is desirable that monthly payments do not exceed 30% of the family income. So you can hedge yourself, for example, in the event that you are demoted or have to change jobs to less paid ones.
Step 7
Improve living conditions according to the possibilities. It is not profitable to immediately move from the "odnushka-Khrushchev" apartment to a 100-meter apartment. You can first move to a two-room apartment, pay off your mortgage ahead of schedule, and get a positive credit history. It will be easier for you to take a new mortgage on more favorable terms. Follow the bank's news, usually the rates change during the year and you can get under a more profitable program than before.
Step 8
Read the agreement carefully, pay attention to the section, which contains the terms and procedure for payment of payments, additional costs. Sometimes you have to pay 5-7% of the total payment every year (in addition to the interest rate). If the loan exceeds one million rubles, a significant amount is obtained.
Step 9
You can get a mortgage loan only after you have chosen the necessary apartment. The loan agreement contains the address and homeowners. Talk to a realtor or appraiser to avoid overpaying your rent. You will need the services of an appraiser in any case, the bank needs to know the cost of housing, its size. This is especially important if there are children in the family, since there should be no infringement of their interests.
Step 10
Talk to a loan officer, find out what awaits you if you are late in payment, for example, for a couple of days. It is better to make contributions in advance, but situations are different, you can find out about penalties in advance.
Step 11
Collect the required documents. You will need the passports of the seller and the buyer, the notarized consent of the spouse, if you are married, for the purchase of housing, a technical passport for the purchased housing, a cadastral passport, TIN, pension insurance certificates of all participants in the loan agreement. Each bank may have its own list. After the approval of the application, you will be told what else is needed and you can start the registration procedure. It usually takes no more than 7 business days.
Step 12
Contact the bank if you have a difficult situation as soon as possible. You will be able to increase the term of the mortgage payment or transfer to quarterly payments. They will never lower the interest rate, they will never be exempted from home insurance.