The housing issue remains relevant and painful for many categories of citizens. In part, a bank mortgage loan helps to solve it, for which you need to provide the necessary package of documents.

Thanks to mortgage lending, many families were able to solve the housing problem. To obtain it, you need to collect a package of documents, write a corresponding application and submit it to the bank for consideration.
Who can get a mortgage
According to the Law, a loan can be issued to citizens from 21 to 75 years old. To provide a long-term loan, the bank puts forward rather stringent requirements, which is quite understandable: the mortgage assumes monthly cash payments for 20-25 years and the bank must be sure of the borrower's solvency.
When choosing a bank, you need to pay attention to the size of commission payments, interest rate, life and health insurance conditions. More favorable conditions are offered by large banks, for example, Sberbank of Russia, but for this you need to comply with the conditions set by the bank and collect a full package of documents. The borrower must have an official place of work and a decent salary, which he can document. If the salary is not very high, you can get a mortgage if you find a co-borrower - a person who will be responsible for repaying the loan. In most cases, the bank also requires you to make an initial payment for an apartment in the amount of 30 to 50% or a collateral.
What documents need to be submitted to Sberbank
There are different mortgage lending programs in this bank, but the basic package provides for the submission of the following documents:
- you should fill out an application form for a loan, where you can describe your personal financial situation as fully as possible for all the points proposed;
- a similar questionnaire must be filled out by the co-borrower or guarantor;
- attach a completed application form for the pledger-legal entity;
- passport of the borrower, co-borrower and guarantor, as well as their copies;
- documents on the ownership of the property offered as a pledge;
- certificate of income of the established form 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank;
- a document confirming the payment of the initial payment;
- documents for real estate purchased with a mortgage.
When using maternity capital as a first payment for an apartment, you will need to provide a certificate for maternity capital and documents from the Pension Fund, confirming the availability of funds in the account.
In addition to the listed documents, the bank has the right to require additional documents:
- copy of TIN;
- a copy of the military ID;
- a certified copy of the work book;
- a copy of the marriage certificate;
- a certificate on the composition of the family;
- a certificate from the narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries and other documents at the discretion of the creditor.
The size of the interest rate on a mortgage loan is directly dependent on how the borrower will be able to confirm his financial solvency and the ability to repay the loan on a monthly basis, so you need to take responsibility for the preparation of documents and carefully read all of its points when signing a loan agreement.