Each type of loan has its own specifics. The package of documents required by the bank to check the borrower's solvency may vary depending on the type of loan.

It is necessary
standard package of documents, additional package of documents
Step 1
To obtain any loan, you must first collect a standard package of documents. It includes a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its copy, all completed pages of the passport are copied. When you arrive at the bank, you will be asked to fill out an application for a loan and a borrower questionnaire.
Step 2
There are banks that provide for the issuance of an express loan upon presentation of only a standard package of documents. When issuing such loans, some banks may ask you to submit an additional document confirming your identity. For example, a military ID or passport.
Step 3
In many banks, the terms of the loan and the interest rate depend on the number of documents provided and the completeness of confirmation of the borrower's income. So, for example, if you additionally provided a driver's license and a copy of the ownership of the car, your chances of getting a loan are increased. And it is possible that the terms of the loan will be more acceptable.
Step 4
If you want to get loans on more favorable terms or for a large amount, you need to collect a wider package of documents. The bank additionally requests documents confirming the borrower's income. This is a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL, for the previous six months. In many banks, it is possible to submit a salary certificate in the form of a bank. They also request a certificate of TIN assignment.
Step 5
If you have additional sources of income, they also need to be verified. To confirm the receipt of a pension, a certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia about the amount of the pension received is required. If the additional income is the monthly amount from renting an apartment, then a tax return is submitted to the bank confirming this income. Proven additional income increases your ability to pay.
Step 6
To obtain a mortgage loan or a consumer loan for a large amount, banks request documents confirming the borrower's work activities. For example, a copy or extract from a work book, correctly certified by the personnel department of the enterprise, a copy of an employment contract or a certificate from the place of work.
Step 7
If a loan is issued on the security of property or guarantors are needed to process a loan, then banks in this case request additional relevant documents. Documents of guarantors are a standard package of documents and documents confirming the income of guarantors and employment.
Step 8
The property pledged requires supporting documents for the ownership of this property. For example, if a loan is taken for the construction of a private house, the bank must present a cadastral passport for the land plot and a building permit for this plot.
Step 9
When checking the borrower, the bank pays special attention to checking the veracity of the information provided. Sberbank, for example, by agreement with the Pension Fund, has the opportunity to check whether contributions are transferred to your personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
Step 10
After checking the documents confirming the borrower's work and income, all other documents are checked, the client's social status and solvency are assessed. The candidate's credit history is viewed at the credit bureau. Next, a decision is made to issue a loan or to refuse.