A good salesperson, sales rep, or sales manager feels confident in the job market because sales skills are in demand and highly paid. To grow to this level, you have to go through the life school of failures that start-up employees of trading companies face. Success comes faster if a beginner actively uses someone else's experience.

Step 1
Set aside a day to observe a professional. Some companies train newcomers in the office and then send them to the field to communicate with customers. Within the walls of a native company, when there are like-minded people around, everything seems not so complicated. In real work, the legs can shake with fear, the boss’s attitudes fly out of the head, nothing happens. This happens with beginners, then everything goes away, and the work goes well. In order to more or less painlessly go through the first stage and gain experience, you need to see in practice how a professional seller works. No amount of training can replace observation. Tell your boss that you will be with an experienced colleague for one day. This will be enough for a successful start. When you see how customers place orders, you will have confidence in success. Ask questions and listen to your teacher's comments.
Step 2
Read everything you can find about sales. Books are perceived differently when superimposed on their own experience. Even after observing actual sales from the outside, you will learn from the books tips that you can apply.
Step 3
Calculate the cost of each customer contact. Experienced salespeople don't react painfully to rejections and setbacks because they know how much each meeting is worth, regardless of its outcome. Let the sales manager hold 100 meetings or make 100 calls in a month, and only 20 of them end with an order. This specialist earns 30,000 rubles. The cost of one meeting = 30,000 / 100 = 300 rubles. There are days when 7 meetings in a row end in failure. But a wise merchant thinks like this: 7 meetings * 300 rubles. = RUB 2100 It doesn't matter that this money isn't really earned. Monthly averages will still yield results. This style of thinking allows you not to despair in difficult situations. The main thing is to make 100 contacts, then 30,000 rubles. won't go anywhere. Beginners, on the other hand, tend to get frustrated and unmotivated because they believe that bad luck is not profitable. In fact, every meeting is part of the system. To develop systems thinking, ask your peers for the numbers you need and stick to them until you get your own personal metrics to build on in the future.
Step 4
Make a plan to achieve your financial goals. Let the specialist from the third step want to earn 40,000 rubles. Number of appointments per month = 40,000 / 300 = 134 appointments. Number of meetings per day = 134/24 working days = 6 pcs. Calculate the amount of work you need to do in the same way. Now it doesn't matter that some days may be unlucky - if the work is done in good faith, you will achieve the planned result.
Step 5
Become a bulldozer in your mind. This device is characterized by two important indicators: endurance and nutritional requirements. You will need endurance to implement your plan. Track how much money you “made” on a daily basis based on the number of meetings with clients. The need for food must be taken into account in order to avoid interruptions in work. Feed on the positive thoughts from the teaching materials so you don't lose faith in your success.