The average person today has a very ambiguous attitude to network marketing. If in Western countries it is perceived as just one of the legal ways to sell goods, in our country many react aggressively to distributors of any product. To be successful in network marketing, you need to develop your own rules of work in this area.

Step 1
Start doing network marketing if you are active, sociable and able to convince people. As a rule, success and development prospects depend not only on the ability to competently offer products. Your task is to attract as many followers as possible to the network, who will also enthusiastically promote the product. It is they who will provide your stable income thanks to the percentage of sales that you will receive as a higher-level employee.
Step 2
Study carefully the product you are dealing with. An employee who does not have complete information and only voices learned phrases is unlikely to succeed. In theory, you yourself may not use the product you are selling, for example, if it is a product for a different gender or special purpose. However, you will be much more credible if you share the results from your own experience, or cite the results of your closest acquaintances as examples.
Step 3
Think of all potential acquaintances to whom you can offer your product. Write them down on a separate sheet of paper. Among them, select those who in the future will be able to cooperate with your company and also become a distributor. Call your acquaintances and offer to meet to talk about the product and discuss potential products. In your persistence, try not to be intrusive, as this can alienate customers. If they refuse to cooperate with you, ask your friends to name their acquaintances, whom you can also contact.
Step 4
Host informational seminars and product launches by handing out free pre-invitations. Consider the fact that people in small towns who do not have access to large shopping centers are more inclined to network marketing.
Step 5
Promote products and look for partners online. Create topics on relevant forums, blog, inform everyone interested about your product.