I always want to be in the black, and it is desirable that the risks are minimal. You can invest absolutely any amount. When investing, do not forget about diversification, regardless of where exactly the funds will be invested. In most cases, income will consist of bonuses. The most important thing is to think over each step in order to minimize the risks.

Step 1
Invest in mutual funds, in securities on the market. The advantages of such an investment are the minimum amount of the deposit, full control over every action of the management company and transparency of work. The disadvantages include the lack of a full guarantee of the return of funds, and the investment is usually at least one year. Choose a fund that inspires confidence, check the foundation documents and reviews of the fund, conclude an investment agreement with the company.
Step 2
Investing in real estate has always been a priority. By purchasing this or that real estate, it is possible not to sell it, but to lease it, which will bring passive profit in the long term. When investing in construction at the zero stage, in case of successful delivery of the house, the cost per square meter almost doubles. Do not risk investing in construction, where the developer is young and not very reliable companies.
Step 3
It is quite popular to invest in precious metals - to buy gold bullion or in the form of coins, open metal accounts or buy options for gold. The safest way to buy precious metals is from Sberbank or other large banks.
Step 4
There is another investment option where the risks will depend only on the investor himself - Forex trading (independent trading). Be sure to consult with a specialist before investing in this way. And remember, Forex is just an imitation of the game on the stock exchange, which operates according to its own laws.
Step 5
When the direction of investment is chosen, determine the priority company in which the funds will be invested. It would be better to consult with experts in this field. This can be done by phone or online.
Step 6
The next step is to register with the selected investment company. Go to the site, come up with a login and password for your personal account. Next, start investing. There can be several investment companies, you need to register in each one.