Organizations and sole proprietors providing goods and services generally prefer to formalize agreements with customers in the form of written contracts, even if this is not mandatory by law. The specific content of the contract depends on the situation: on what exactly is being sold, what services are provided by participants in civil law relations.

Step 1
According to civil law, in some cases a written contract is required, in others it is not. But at your request, you can draw up any contracts on paper, except for illegal ones, of course. One and the same contract may include elements of different agreements. For example, if you are engaged in built-in furniture, then you can provide your manufacturing, delivery and installation services under three different or one general contract.
Step 2
In any case, no matter what contract you make with clients, first of all include in it the conditions that it must contain by virtue of the law (for example, the purchase and sale contract must contain a condition on the product and its price, the rent contract - the terms of its payment). Without such conditions, the contract will simply be invalid.
Step 3
Start drafting the contract by indicating its name ("Purchase and Sale Agreement", "Furniture Supply Agreement", etc.). On the next line, fill in the date and place it was compiled. Next comes the introductory part - the preamble of the treaty. Here state the names of the parties (names of organizations, names of representatives and individuals) indicating who exactly the party to the contract is: seller, buyer, customer, contractor, etc. This is how the parties will be named in the following text.
Step 4
The first section of the agreement is usually called the “Subject of the Agreement”. In this section, outline the essence of the contractual relationship. For example, "The SELLER undertakes to manufacture and transfer, and the BUYER undertakes to accept and timely pay …" In the next section - "Obligations of the parties", describe in more detail exactly what each party must do to fulfill the contract. Divide the sections into paragraphs, and, if necessary, subparagraphs.
Step 5
Next, include the following sections in the agreement: - "The term of the agreement", which may not coincide with the terms of fulfillment of obligations, for example, the agreement is valid for a year, but this year the goods are delivered several times. In this case, the deadlines for the fulfillment of obligations are set separately in the contract. - "Responsibility of the parties". Specify what sanctions will be applied to the party who improperly performed the contract (penalty, penalty, etc.). - "Procedure for resolving disputes." You can provide for a claim (pre-trial) procedure, a negotiation procedure, or only judicial consideration of disputes.
Step 6
The final section is usually the "Details of the parties" section, which contains the information necessary for financial settlements. The agreement is signed by all its participants in the appropriate number of copies.