In case of loss of a plastic card, it is necessary to instruct the bank to block operations on the account as soon as possible and apply with a written application for its restoration.

Step 1
Block a lost or stolen plastic card. To do this, call the bank that issued this settlement tool for you, follow the instructions of the answering machine or wait for the operator to answer. The bank's phone number can be found on its official website; the account blocking service is provided by most organizations around the clock.
Step 2
Keep in mind that if the card is lost abroad, there is a possibility that it will be used to purchase goods and pay for services in foreign trade enterprises or to make purchases over the Internet. To prevent these transactions, it is necessary to place the card number in the international stop list. This is done only with the written consent of the client, the bank charges a commission for the service, its amount is stipulated in the card service agreement.
Step 3
Visit the nearest branch of your bank. Provide the employee with an identity document. Explain the situation.
Step 4
Fill out an application of the established form about the loss of a plastic card. To reissue the card, mark the appropriate boxes. If you don't want to have your card reinstated, cash out and close your account.
Step 5
Get a new card in hand. Banks issue plastic cards within 3-10 business days. Sign on the back, remember the new PIN code written on the inside of the light-tight envelope, do not even give it to the bank employees.
Step 6
Pay the commission for reissuing your plastic card. If your account has enough funds to pay for this service, the amount will be debited automatically. The size of the commission for reissuing the card is specified in the service agreement for your type of plastic card.
Step 7
Remember that if a previously lost card was found after it was reissued, you must notify the bank and hand it over for destruction.