How Can Maternity Capital Be Used In

How Can Maternity Capital Be Used In
How Can Maternity Capital Be Used In

Since 2007, to support Russian families, the state has been paying maternity capital for the second (or subsequent) child. The maternal capital is an active social program. Its purpose: to increase the time, exit from the demographic pit.

maternal capital
maternal capital

Changes in 2019

The concept of matcapital was adopted by the government in 2007 for 10 years. The validity period of the program has been increased until 2021.

In 2018, changes are made:

  • According to the agreement No. 418-FZ of 2017-28-12, families in need receive the means according to the certificate in the form of monthly allowances until reaching 1, 5 years for a child. The sum equates to the living minimum for the incomplete summer, established in the region of living.
  • From these facilities, the family can pay for the services of a child up to 3 years of age.

Variants of changes The development of the program is currently indicated in two possible ways:

  • Introducing fresh amendments and changing the conditions for the acquisition of maternal capital in 2019.
  • Provide address assistance, for example, only to low-income families. But this point of view at once from our opponents, the chief human being of whom, in such a case, the state will stimulate, in order to enjoy the good
  • Provide help to residents of regions in which there is a fall of every day. Possible increase in maternal capital.
  • Expand the list of targets for which you can use the media.
  • Continuing the program without changes. This option is most likely, fewer women are ready to pozhat. It is important that more than one child was born in the family.
  • Cancellation of payments.

In 2019, maternity (family) capital (MSC) was not indexed. Although the regular increase in the amount of the certificate, taking into account the rate of increase in inflation, is provided for by the federal law on capital capital (part 2 of article 6), due to the economic crisis in the country, the size of the MSC was frozen in 2016-2019.

The size of maternity capital in 2019

In 2019, the amount of the MSC certificate is 453,026 rubles. A further increase in the amount of capital will take place as follows:

  • up to 470,241 rubles - in 2020;
  • up to 489,051 rubles - in 2021.

What can you spend on?

In 2019, no new areas for spending materiel were added. You can use the means of the certificate for the same purposes as in 2018:

Improving living conditions:

  • buying a house, apartment or room;
  • building or renovating a house.

Payment for education of a child (children):

  • training in paid educational programs;
  • payment for a hostel while studying at an educational organization;
  • payment for preschool education.
  • Formation of the mother's funded pension.
  • Purchase of goods for adaptation in the society of disabled children.
  • Registration of a monthly allowance for the second child.

You can dispose of maternity capital 3 years after the birth (adoption) of a child, with the advent of which the right to MSC arose. However, in order to channel the funds of the certificate in some areas, it is not necessary to wait 3 years, among them:

Payment of debt on loans or borrowings (including mortgages) for the purchase or construction of housing:

  • payment of the initial payment;
  • repayment of the principal debt;
  • payment of interest.
  • Keeping a child in a kindergarten or nursery (including private ones), as well as paying for other childcare and childcare services.

Monthly allowance for the second child born (adopted) from January 1, 2018. Payments are assigned only to those families whose average per capita income is not higher than one and a half times the subsistence level established in a particular region for the working-age population. The amount of the allowance is equal to the child's subsistence minimum (see table by region).

Compensation for funds spent on the purchase of goods (payment for services) for children with disabilities, noted in the individual program of rehabilitation and adaptation (IPRA). The list of goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society, for the purchase of which it is allowed to use the money of the capital, is given in the order of the Government No. 831-r of April 30, 2016.
