How To Get A Loan At 18

How To Get A Loan At 18
How To Get A Loan At 18

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You study, work on evenings and weekends, plan your budget yourself and may make plans to start your own business. Sometimes the only way to achieve a goal, be it buying a new gadget or owning your own hairdresser, is to borrow money. Any banks are glad to see a new client. But only if this client is not eighteen years old. Is the road to the bank closed in this case? Not necessary. It's worth trying.

How to get a loan at 18
How to get a loan at 18


Step 1

Today, many banks are ready to provide loans to eighteen-year-old borrowers. But this applies for the most part to the so-called "store" loans. The maximum purchase amount is up to thirty thousand. Build a reputation as a conscientious borrower and next time, the amount of the credit limit may increase.

Step 2

You can take out a loan for a large amount by attracting relatives with stable earnings as guarantors. It's even safer to ask one of them to make a commitment. But finding such people, even among the closest ones, is not easy. Indeed, in the event of your insolvency, it is they who will have to meet with the representatives of the bank or simply pay the loan further for you.

Step 3

Another way out is credit cards. The credit limit, too, is likely to be small. But if the bank sees that you make minimum payments without delays or fit into the interest-free period, it can increase the loan amount.

Step 4

If you nevertheless decide to contact the credit department, claiming a large amount, try to appear as a trustworthy client for the bank. The property that you own, permanent registration at the place of contact with the bank, a certificate of income (sometimes it is also suitable in the form of a bank, i.e. filled out by the employer in almost free form) can play a role in making a positive decision. For boys, a military ID or a document confirming a respite from the army is required.

Step 5

But before getting into debt, think about whether it would be better to try to accumulate the necessary amount? The percentage at which consumer loans are issued is rather big in our country; for eighteen-year-old borrowers, it can be overestimated to the maximum.
