Some categories of citizens who performed work in difficult conditions or such work that led to premature disability can receive a preferential pension.

Step 1
First, find out if you belong to the already mentioned category of citizens. A preferential pension is provided for workers who work underground all day. In this case, a man must be 50 years old, work experience must be at least 20 years, of which 10 - in hard work. For women, the indicators are slightly lower: you need to reach 45 years old, work 15 years and 7 and a half, respectively. A preferential pension is also due to people who have worked as machinists, tractor drivers or drivers of passenger transport, trucks, and so on. A complete list of all the conditions necessary for retirement is described in the Law "On Labor Pensions".
Step 2
Next, contact your local pension fund. Find out from the employees a list of all the required documents, the procedure for submitting them, clarify the conditions for receiving a pension and other nuances.
Step 3
Collect documents. Please note that you may need not only standard papers, but also separate ones (for example, a certificate of disability, about existing disabled family members who are dependent). In addition, additional documents may be required from a representative of any special specialty. For example, a diver will have to present his diving book with the number of hours worked under water noted in it.
Step 4
Contact your employer to obtain the necessary certificates and references. Since only from him you can take documents confirming the nature of the previously performed work and its length of service. It may also be necessary to draw up some individual indicators that are related to the type of work that affects the size of the preferential pension. Such indicators include work in a production that is unhealthy (in a certain city, with certain materials or loads, and many others).
Step 5
Go to the Pension Fund, write a statement and support it with the collected documents.