How To Sell A Magazine

How To Sell A Magazine
How To Sell A Magazine

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In order for your magazine to be sold, it is necessary to correctly advertise it for the readers, and for this you must first decide on the readership. There are many ways of advertising, here you can show your imagination and choose the most suitable (and least expensive).

How to sell a magazine
How to sell a magazine


Step 1

Publishing a magazine is one of the types of profit making. To make a profit from publishing your magazine, it is important to establish its sale. The most common way to increase sales or get a consumer to buy a magazine for the first time is through advertising. The way a magazine is advertised depends on its readership - an advertisement for a magazine for wealthy housewives should hardly be like an advertisement for a teenage celebrity magazine.

Step 2

The following criteria will help to define the readers of your magazine relatively clearly:

1. Gender. Most magazines are bought by women, but there are many magazines for men as well.

2. Age of readers.

3. Financial situation.

4. Cultural (intellectual) level.

5. Interests. Reading about flower cultivation is usually more interesting for women, and about cars for men.

Having established that, for example, wealthy women from 28 to 40 with a fairly high intellectual level and interest in career and business will most likely be the readers of your magazine, you can already understand a lot about the necessary advertising campaign.

Step 3

There are many ways to advertise the magazine: these are posters in the metro and on the street, and the distribution of promotional numbers (this method is especially suitable for the release of the first issue of the magazine), and banners on the Internet, and the presence of a site on which the main articles of the magazine would be posted. The way you advertise your magazine should depend on your budget and readership. Where can you most often meet your readers? What do they drive? Do they often go online? These and other questions you need to ask yourself before determining an advertising strategy.

Step 4

Consider an example of a magazine for wealthy women aged 28 to 40 who are interested in career and business. Surely they spend a lot of time in the office, on weekends they go to fitness clubs, meet in cafes and restaurants with their friends, and visit shops. They most likely drive cars, and they go to the Internet every day. In this case, the option with advertising in the metro immediately disappears, and the option with banners on the Internet and a website is just right. Stands with free magazines in cafes and restaurants, fitness clubs are also suitable. In order for the magazine to acquire a fairly large readership and sell well in the future, it makes sense to first release several free trial issues (as was the case, for example, with the magazine "Bolshoi Gorod").
