What Are The Main Forms Of Ownership

What Are The Main Forms Of Ownership
What Are The Main Forms Of Ownership

Property can be viewed from a legal and economic perspective. The main forms of ownership differ depending on who owns the property.

What are the main forms of ownership
What are the main forms of ownership

Classification of types of property

In the most general form, there are two main types of property - private and public. In a market economy, private property is of decisive importance.

In world practice, there are three main forms of ownership.

Single - in this case, all property relations are carried out by an individual or legal entity. An example would be private doctors, farmers, lawyers. This property can also be represented by one person who uses the labor of employees.

Affiliate - involves the association in the form of property and capital of a number of individuals or companies to engage in joint business activities, these are enterprises that are based on share contributions.

Corporate - based on the functioning of the capital market, formed by selling shares on stock exchanges. Each shareholder owns part of the capital. Under the cooperative form of ownership, everyone participates in labor and property, but has equal rights in the management and distribution of profits.

According to the Russian constitution (art. 8) in the Russian Federation "private, state, municipal and other forms of property are recognized and protected in an equal manner."

Public property is also heterogeneous, including collective, state and public property.

Collective property is formed by distributing it among the employees of an enterprise (for example, a CJSC).

State property, although formally the property of all members of society, is managed by the state apparatus. In the ideal model, he is called upon to personify the public interests of all segments of the population and be guided by them in his activities.

Public property belongs directly to the national property, at the same time to everyone and to all at once. The peculiarity of public property is collegial management, where all members of the organization participate in decision-making.

Quite often in a market economy there is a mixture of different forms of ownership. For example, entrepreneurial structures (in Russia - municipal unitary enterprises) may appear in the ranks of state property.

Combined forms of ownership may also appear. For example, joint ventures, holdings, financial and industrial groups, concerns.

Forms of ownership in Russia

State property in Russia is classified based on its federal structure. Distinguish between federal, regional (property of the subjects of the Russian Federation) and municipal (local) property. Federal property includes, among other things, especially important objects - defense and strategic reserves, weapons, etc.

In Russian law, property includes the right to own, dispose and use.

Private property in Russia is mainly represented in the following forms - individual entrepreneur, LLC, CJSC and OJSC.

The forms of public ownership in the Russian Federation include parties, NGOs and public organizations, and the church.
