How To Increase Sales In The Company

How To Increase Sales In The Company
How To Increase Sales In The Company

Increasing the volume of sales is the main task facing the sales department in the company. The financial well-being of the business depends on the competent work of this department. The constant growth of sales allows you to increase profits, expand production and conquer new markets.

How to increase sales in the company
How to increase sales in the company

Parameters that determine the volume of sales

The volume of sales depends on several parameters; it is necessary to increase the company's sales in a complex way by influencing one or several parameters.

Sales volume is calculated using the following formula:

OP = PC * KK * SCh * KP, where

PC - the number of potential customers;

CC - conversion rate;

MF - average check;

PP - repeat sales.

Potential customers are buyers who have shown an interest in the company's products and services. The conversion rate shows how many potential buyers have made a purchase. Average check is the average amount of money that the average customer of a company usually spends.

Increased customer flow

It is possible to increase the number of potential customers through the use of various communication channels: outdoor advertising, mass media, the Internet, cold calls. The company must use several channels to attract customers.

The effectiveness of cold calls largely depends on the level of qualifications of managers, therefore, when using the active sales method, it is necessary to strictly control the work of the sales department employees.

If the majority of potential customers are attracted through advertising, then it is necessary to optimize the approach to the preparation and conduct of advertising campaigns. To do this, you need to analyze all the promotion channels, identify the most successful ones and focus on them.

In order for potential customers to be able to differentiate a company among hundreds of similar ones, it is necessary to create a striking unique selling proposition that emphasizes the difference between the company's product and competitors' products.

Conversion growth

It's not enough just to get the customer's attention, you need to push them to sell. The sales skills of the company's staff have a huge impact on the conversion rate. Only trained managers should make cold calls. To improve the efficiency of their work, a system of motivation and bonuses can be envisaged.

Building a permanent customer base will also increase customer loyalty and increase conversion rates. Often, stores offer their customers to fill out a questionnaire for a small bonus (discount card or gift). This is how a client base is formed, with which it will be convenient to work in the future.

Increase in the average check and the number of purchases per customer

To increase the average check, you need to attract customers with cheap goods, but always try to sell the expensive ones. In the process of selling, you need to switch the customer's attention to an expensive product and justify its advantages.

It is necessary to establish additional sales and offer related products with an additional discount or some kind of bonuses to any purchase. To increase the average bill, you can also develop additional special offers, when a customer receives a gift when buying for a certain amount.

By developing a system of discounts for regular customers, you can effectively increase repeat sales. In this case, the client will have an incentive to return, since a repeat purchase will always be more profitable for him than the first one.
