The hierarchy of goals makes it much easier to achieve results. With it, you can determine the course of action and set specific steps. At an enterprise, this is especially important, since a comprehensive solution to any problem can bring significant financial profit. Consider building a hierarchy of goals using the example of solving the problem of an inconvenient timetable in a university.

Step 1
First, you need to build a problem tree. This model comprehensively reflects all the negative factors that are associated with a particular problem. To draw up a tree, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the circle of people who are affected by the problem, as well as those categories of people who can influence it. Then determine the causes of the problem, as well as its consequences. Present everything graphically for easy analysis.

Step 2
Transform problems into goals. The easiest way to do this is using a table. In the left column, compose the entire set of negative factors, and in the right column, reformulate them into goals. This will determine the initial direction of travel.

Step 3
Modify the problem tree by substituting a corresponding item from the right column at each vertex. This will help you determine which actions will lead you to a solution to the problem and what consequences will follow.

Step 4
Highlight the main, in your opinion, causes of the problem and draw up a hierarchy of tasks to eliminate them. Highlight at least 3 points that need to be addressed in the near future. Perform decomposition, that is, break tasks into subtasks. Identify specific actions that will help solve the problem.