What Is The General Tax Regime

What Is The General Tax Regime
What Is The General Tax Regime

The General Taxation System (OSNO) is a traditional type of taxation in which organizations maintain accounting records and pay all general taxes established by law. Accounting for this type of taxation is maintained using the Chart of Accounts.

What is the general tax regime
What is the general tax regime

Features of the general tax regime

The general taxation regime is applied by companies and entrepreneurs by default, provided that they have not submitted an application for the transition to a special regime - STS or UTII. Organizations with an income above 45 million rubles. for 9 months and more than 60 million rubles. per year, numbering more than 100 people. and the value of fixed assets is not more than 100 million rubles. are required to apply OSNO.

A feature of OSNO is that companies must pay basic taxes on it, among them the main ones are income tax (for organizations), personal income tax (for individual entrepreneurs) and VAT. Accounting on OSNO is carried out in full when using the chart of accounts, it is difficult to keep such records on your own and it is better to entrust it to professional accountants or an accounting organization.

In addition to the fact that this regime is quite burdensome and requires additional costs for an accountant, it also entails increased attention from the tax and law enforcement agencies.

It is also possible to highlight a number of advantages of OSNO, which determine the choice of this regime by organizations and entrepreneurs. This, in particular, the absence of restrictions on the types of activities, as well as on the amount of revenue, work space, property, number of employees. In addition, if the organization suffers a loss, it may not pay income tax and reduce the tax in the future by the amount of the loss. Whereas with UTII, the payment of tax does not depend on the size of the actual profit, and on the simplified tax system, tax is paid from the proceeds.

To work with large companies, it is also advisable to use OSNO, since they are VAT payers and it is more profitable for them that their expenses include input VAT.

Organization taxes on OSNO

Taxes paid by organizations to OSNO include:

- corporate income tax - paid at the standard rate of 20% on the difference between income (excluding VAT) and expenses, in some regions preferential rates may be established;

- VAT at the rates of 18%, 10%, 0%;

- corporate property tax - the rate is set by the regions, does not exceed 2.2%), is paid from the residual value of fixed assets;

- other taxes if there is an object of taxation - for example, mineral extraction tax, excise taxes, land tax, etc.

Taxes paid by individual entrepreneurs on the OSN

Individual entrepreneurs on OSNO are obliged to pay personal income tax and VAT. Personal income tax in the amount of 13% is paid from entrepreneurial income, as well as those incomes in which personal income tax was not withheld. Income can be reduced by professional expenses. If it is impossible to document the latter, the cost norm is taken - 20% of the amount of income.

VAT is calculated and paid according to the formula = "amount to be charged" minus "amount to be offset". VAT rates are 18, 10, 0%.
