The entire overpaid loan amount can be returned. The method of return depends on whether the entire loan amount has been paid or the overpayment has arisen on current payments. In any case, you need to contact the credit institution with an application and receipts confirming the monthly payments.

It is necessary
- - application to the bank;
- - passport;
- - loan agreement;
- - receipts;
- - application to the court;
- - photocopies and originals of payment receipts;
- - photocopy and original of the loan agreement.
Step 1
An overpayment of a loan may occur if you make monthly payments in an even amount or pay the loan in advance. For example, if the monthly amount at the repayment of the loan received is 7,560 rubles, and you pay 8 thousand each, the overpayment will be 440 rubles. In one year, the overpayment amount will increase to 5,280 rubles.
Step 2
If the entire loan amount has not been paid yet, the overpayment will be credited towards the next monthly payment, and you can make a smaller payment in the next month. Another way to return the overpayment is to contact the bank before making the last payment, you will be recalculated, on the basis of which you will deposit the last amount without overpayment.
Step 3
The overpaid amount on the repaid loan is subject to return in full. If you have already repaid the entire loan and there is an overpayment, apply to the bank with an application, present your passport, loan agreement, receipts confirming monthly payments, your bank account number, if the overpayment will be transferred by bank transfer. Although most often the bank makes a recalculation, issues an expense slip and all overpayment is paid on the spot at the bank's cash desk.
Step 4
If the bank refuses to pay you overpaid amounts on a loan, you have the right to file a claim with an arbitration court. You are required to submit the loan agreement, originals and photocopies of all payment receipts that you received when making monthly payments to the court for consideration. In addition to the return of the entire amount of the overpayment, you can demand to pay a forfeit in the amount of 1/300 of the amount of the overpayment for each day of delay in payments, if the bank refused to return the overpaid amount to you.
Step 5
On the basis of a court order, you will be paid everything that you overpaid and the entire amount of the forfeit if you demand to pay it in the statement of claim. A self-respecting bank will never bring the matter to court and will easily pay you all overpaid amounts on demand.