How To Make A Million Without Investments

How To Make A Million Without Investments
How To Make A Million Without Investments

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A million is a fairly large amount, and to receive it you will need to work hard, and maybe more than one year. Of course, if a person is aiming for big money and at the same time is not going to invest in this business, then he looks like a madman or is a bandit. But not many people know that most modern millionaires almost never invested money in their business, and some started it without any investment at all.

How to make a million without investments
How to make a million without investments

It is necessary

Original idea, computers, internet, helpers


Step 1

The main thing that distinguishes lazy but rich people from hardworking, smart, but always poor is the ability to generate ideas. All known stories of the accumulation of large capital began with one original idea. And brilliant thoughts will overtake people again and again, but only if an idea falls on someone like a snow on their head in the form of a gift from heaven, then others generate ideas by analyzing the situation in advance

Step 2

First, find a fresh niche in which to work and firmly take your place. For example, go to the Internet, namely social networks. For hundreds of thousands of people every day the Internet begins with the opening of their VKontakte page, and for many it ends there. While social networks are at the peak of their popularity, you need to have time to earn your million there. The VKontakte application service has become a huge platform for the implementation of your ideas, projects and, of course, earnings. For example, the famous Vkontakte application "Happy Farmer" brings developers about $ 20 million a year. Of course, a variety of popular games such as poker and chess were created at the very beginning, having managed to take their place in the sun. But there are many more entertaining games and services that have not been implemented, but will certainly be popular with a large number of users

Step 3

When the idea is found, start looking for people. Of course, if you are proficient in flash animation, object-oriented programming and the "VK API", then launch your proposal yourself. Otherwise, and most likely, you will have to find an artist, programmer and sponsor. Since you are going to make money without investments, explain to the specialists the genius of your idea and describe all the prospects. It's good if you can find one sponsor-partner who will pay for the work of specialists and advertising, for example, for 40% of the proceeds from the application, because it will be quite costly to divide the earnings into 3-4 people

Step 4

Promote your creation and win the love of users in every possible way, because their number is directly proportional to your income.
