What Payments Are Due For The Third Child

What Payments Are Due For The Third Child
What Payments Are Due For The Third Child

At the birth of a third child, a young family receives the status of a large family. In Russia, within the framework of a comprehensive program to increase the birth rate, a number of projects are being implemented to help large families.

Benefits for the third child
Benefits for the third child

At the birth of a third child in a family, a woman receives all the benefits provided by law for newly-made parents. In particular, she will receive the following types of benefits: maternity (if she has a job); at the birth of a child (15295 p. in 2016); other regional payments.

Until 2018, the Parent (or family) capital program will continue to operate. If the certificate was not issued at the birth of the second child, then it can be obtained for the third. Its face value in 2016 will be 453 thousand rubles.

In some regions, their own maternity capital program is being implemented, which is provided for the birth of a third child. This payment is an order of magnitude lower than the federal one (it is 50-150 thousand rubles), but differs in greater freedom in spending money.

For the third child, a woman is entitled to a monthly allowance of up to one and a half years. It varies from 5, 7 to 21, 6 thousand rubles. in 2016 depending on the woman's earnings. It is provided in the minimum amount for unemployed women, or with earnings below the minimum wage.

If the family is poor, they are entitled to child benefits until the age of 16. Their size is determined at the regional level and on average monthly amounts to 500-1500 rubles.

The allowance for 3 children under 3 years old is paid in 53 regions in which there is a difficult demographic situation (the birth rate is less than 1.7 children per woman). The allowance is transferred in the amount of the regional subsistence minimum (not the federal minimum wage). Its value is indexed annually. In order to receive payments, the family must be recognized as poor.

Not so long ago, the State Duma discussed a bill providing for payments in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. at the birth of a third child. However, the lack of funds for the implementation of this program led to the fact that it did not go beyond the first reading.
