Contraction is always unpleasant. And it doesn't matter whether it was known about him in advance or the information appeared at the last moment. For many, the moment of dismissal from work is equated to a whole disaster. After all, modern workers for the most part are shrouded in loans, and the loss of a job for them is a reason to panic. Experts recommend to pull yourself together and calm down. After all, the reduction does not at all mean that tomorrow you will be left on the street without a penny of money.

When you receive a notice of a cut, you need to sit down and think carefully. First, estimate how much time you have to find a new job. Perhaps they are going to fire you only after a couple of months, and before that time you will have time to find a new job.
Second, don't be discouraged. Remember that the organization, if, of course, you are employed according to the law, is obliged to pay you a number of compensations. They should be enough for you until you find a new job.
What payments are due to an employee
After you familiarize yourself with the reduction order and sign all the papers that you are notified and agree, you can start looking for another job.
The day that is indicated in the documents as the day of dismissal will become your last working day at this place of work. If your layoff is an employer's initiative, he must pay you:
- severance pay;
- monetary compensation for unused vacation;
- other financial debts (wages, bonuses, etc.)
Cash compensation must be issued to the dismissed employee no later than on the day of dismissal. The salary for the last working month is paid the day before the official reduction.
The employee will receive severance pay for two months, provided that during this time he has not yet officially got a job.
If you have already found a job during the period when you received severance pay, but you are not officially registered with it, i.e. you receive your salary in an envelope, you do not lose your right to severance pay.
In the first month, the amount of severance pay is equal to the average monthly earnings of a laid-off employee. The pay for the second month is calculated in a slightly different way - it is equal to the number of working days in that month multiplied by the average wage for one day.
In some cases, pay in case of downsizing can be extended for a third month, but only if the person has not yet found a job. This fact must be confirmed at the employment center.
Unused vacation compensation
If, before the dismissal, the employee did not have time to use his next vacation, although he has the right to do so, he should be compensated for this financially. Compensation in this situation is equal to the amount of accrued vacation pay. Additionally, you will have to write a statement about the transfer of vacation from the current year to the next.
Payment of the 13th salary in case of reduction
Many enterprises have such a bonus as the 13th salary. Employees, not knowing their rights well, sometimes do not even realize that in case of redundancy, the employer must pay the dismissed this bonus as well. Even if the reduction occurs in the summer. True, this is only possible if the person has worked in the company for at least a year.