Monetary Calendar For February

Monetary Calendar For February
Monetary Calendar For February

February 2015 is the second month of the New Year, new life. On it, people make plans for the future, which were not achieved in January. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the monetary side, as well as professional growth, a successful career and the achievement of new financial goals.

Monetary Calendar for February 2015
Monetary Calendar for February 2015

First half of the month

1st of February

It is recommended to do charity work.

It is not recommended - to carry out operations related to currency, make deposits and lend money.

February 2

It is recommended to recalculate finances.

It is not recommended to buy something expensive.

February 3rd

It's good to spend time on charity.

It is undesirable to buy and sell currency, take out a loan.

4 february

It's good to buy money talismans, count money.

It is bad - to lend and borrow, take out a loan and make cash deposits.

February 5th

On this day, it is good to plan expenses, but it is bad to buy jewelry.

February 6

Favorable - to carry out various ceremonies for financial well-being.

It is undesirable to buy and sell foreign currency, make money deposits, make expensive purchases.

7 february

It is recommended to plan expenses and income.

It is not recommended to sell and buy currency, borrow.

8 february

It's good to calculate your savings, buy jewelry.

It is bad to invest in large projects.

February 9th

It is advisable to make large purchases, buy jewelry, recalculate funds.

It is undesirable to borrow and borrow, take out a loan.

10 february

You can - invest in your education, count your money.

You can't - borrow and lend, make senseless purchases.

February 11th

It is good to donate antiques, jewelry, recount money.

It is bad - to lend and borrow, to take out a loan, to carry out foreign exchange transactions.

12th of February

It is recommended to do charity work.

It is not recommended to invest money, charge money amulets.

February 13

You can - give and borrow, take loans, save savings.

You can't - buy jewelry.

The 14th of February

It is good to carry out foreign exchange transactions, buy jewelry.

It's bad to buy wallets, mirrors.

Second half of the month

February, 15

It is recommended to pay off debts, make large purchases.

Not recommended - buying mirrors and watches.

16 february

You can - make long-planned purchases.

You can't - carry out ceremonies for financial well-being.

February 17

It's good to plan your budget.

It is bad - to invest money, to borrow.

18th of Febuary

It is recommended to do charity work.

It is not recommended to refuse people in need, to recalculate savings.

19 february

It's good to invest in a business, buy home appliances, cars.

It is bad - to lend and borrow, look into someone else's wallet.

February 20th

You can - repay debts, recalculate money.

You can't - make foreign exchange transactions, make large purchases.

21 february

It is favorable to invest and recount money.

It is unfavorable to carry out foreign exchange transactions.

February 22

You can - recalculate funds.

You can't - buy and give jewelry and jewelry.

February 23

You can - buy a wallet, give jewelry.

It is impossible - to refuse those in need.

24 February

It's good to buy a wallet.

It's bad to invest.

25 February

It's good to buy jewelry.

It's bad to save money on yourself and your family.

26 february

It is beneficial to invest money and lend it to friends.

It is unfavorable to get a loan, borrow money.

February 27

It's good to do charity work, buy expensive things, invest in your education.

It's bad to save money on yourself and your family.

28th of February

Financial rituals can be performed.

You can't - count the money, borrow it, and invest it.
