The successful operation of any enterprise, from a major international holding company to a private entrepreneur, primarily depends on the effectiveness of management. To remain competitive and profitable, enterprise management must use modern management methods that are scientifically based.

The essence of the management process
The basic principles of the science of management are studied by cybernetics, which presupposes a single control scheme characteristic of any control object. In accordance with this, the subject of control generates signals in the form of an order or command, which are transmitted to the control object. He, in turn, perceives these commands and acts in accordance with them. For the subject of control to know that his signal has been received and understood, a feedback channel must be organized. Depending on the signal arriving through this channel, the subject of control generates new commands.
When it comes to the economic field, the subjects of management are the heads of enterprises and their divisions, collective governing bodies or specialist managers. The objects of management in this case are the factors that characterize production: fixed and circulating capital, labor, material and natural resources, scientific, technical and information potential.
Controlling influence is exerted by means of regulations, plans, programs, decrees, instructions, orders. Material and moral incentives are also used to increase efficiency. Feedback is carried out as direct observation and control from the control object. For this purpose, current, statistical and accounting reporting is carried out, monitoring is carried out, indicators of the efficiency of the use of production factors are determined and analyzed.
The main tasks of enterprise management
One of the main tasks of management is the setting of priority goals, for the achievement of which the enterprise is formed, carries out its activities and develops as an integral system. Determination of the target function of the enterprise begins with the establishment of its mission, which expresses the meaning of its creation and further activities. In this case, the interests, expectations and values of the final consumer of the product should be put in the first place, while promising changes in these parameters should also be taken into account. But at the same time, the activities of the enterprise should also be oriented towards the interests of the state and society as a whole.
If the priority goals are perceived as the ideal state of the control object to which the enterprise should strive, in accordance with them, the strategy of its development and the general tactics of activity should be formed. These goals must meet certain requirements: be compatible and agreed, achievable, understandable for the performers and flexible, which is ensured through prompt feedback.