Auto parts are a popular product. But the competition in this market is very high, despite the fact that there are more and more cars. How to get around the competition and make your store attractive to customers?

Step 1
Before you start trading, go through the shops of future competitors, ask what products they offer. If possible, select your original product. Let's say that all interesting ideas are already being used, then if you want to open your store in a large or border town, rely on foreign cars that are popular in your region.
Step 2
If it is still too expensive for you to constantly sell spare parts for foreign cars, buy a small batch of goods for a start and advertise your store as a store specializing mainly in fulfilling orders of future customers.
Step 3
If even a small batch of goods is too expensive for you, open a store of related auto goods (consumables). They are always in great demand, and you will be able to purchase your first batch of auto parts very soon.
Step 4
If possible, open a store as close to the city center as possible. Of course, the price of renting premises in the center will be much higher than what you would pay in the outskirts, but in the sleeping areas of such stores there is already an abundance, and it is not a fact that buyers will turn to your store. The rent of premises will be even more expensive along busy highways. But, by agreement, you can also issue it. Your costs will pay off very quickly, so do not spare money on renting premises in a good location.
Step 5
Naturally, use all the types of advertising available to you. Do not be stingy, place an order with good specialists (or contact an advertising agency) so that they develop a concept for advertising your establishment.
Step 6
Find reliable suppliers of the product. Do not rely on friends, as business and friendship are incompatible concepts. Use old connections or if you are new to this business, contact a consultant. The services of such specialists are not cheap, but later you will not have to blush in front of buyers and customers for the inadequate quality of the goods.
Step 7
Try to make contact with car services nearby. If a car service has recently opened or, on the contrary, has been operating for a very long time, then it is likely that its owners will want to cooperate with you.
Step 8
Arrange the goods beautifully on the shelves (for example, in a triangle pattern). A beautifully and neatly laid out product will testify to the responsibility of its owner for the quality of products and timely execution of orders.
Step 9
Hire a staff of professional salesmen, couriers and security guards. Don't skimp on video surveillance, alarm and other security systems.
Step 10
If your store has been operating for a long time, think about whether all your actions contribute to its "promotion" and study this instruction as if you were starting from scratch.