Today, quite a few people seek to open their own business. This is mainly due to the desire to work not for a stranger, but only for oneself. But it is not enough to find start-up capital, complete all the necessary documents and pay taxes. The most important thing is to attract customers. Indeed, without them, a business will not be able to exist, develop and generate income for its owner. This is the problem of lack of customers that many inexperienced entrepreneurs face.

Step 1
For your product or service to have buyers, you need as many people as possible to know about your business. Tell your friends, relatives and acquaintances about your business, and they, in turn, also let them inform their acquaintances. Thus, a lot of people will find out about your business in a short time. And since people prefer to buy goods (services), relying on the opinion of others, then, most likely, someone will be interested in your activity. In addition, this method of attracting customers does not require additional financial costs.
Step 2
Smart advertising for your business will also attract the attention of your customers. Today there are many types of advertising: leaflets, advertising on signs, in transport, on billboards, in elevators, on radio and television, on the Internet. The choice depends on your financial capabilities. For example, flyers and brochures are a relatively cheap way to attract new customers. Of course, the brighter and more interesting their design, the more attractive the information presented in them, the higher the likelihood that such an advertising campaign will be successful.
Step 3
You can run advertisements on the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of people daily search for information about various products and services on the Internet, so a well-tuned campaign can be an effective way to attract customers. Today there are several types of online advertising. The most popular today are banner advertising, contextual advertising, blog advertising, viral marketing. The main thing is to find a good specialist in this field so that you do not waste your money.
Step 4
Even the smallest company today has its own website on the Internet. Having a virtual representation of your business online can be a great source of new customers. On the site you can not only talk about your activities, but also post information about various promotions, discounts, openings of new offices, etc. But in order for people to visit your site, it is not enough to do it, you need to work on the site, constantly develop it. If you do not have time for this, you can contact the specialists who will make it appear on the first page of search engines, where a huge number of people will see it. It is clear that this method requires significant financial investments and time, but the effect obtained will justify all the costs and inconveniences.