An individual needs a current account in order to save their money or increase income through the accrual of interest. Its owner is always confident in the safety of his savings and at any time can withdraw or transfer the required amount without any problems.

Step 1
Study the offers of various banks for opening a current account. To do this, you can visit the credit institution's website on the Internet, go to a bank branch or call the help desk. Compare all the information received, determine the bank's commission for servicing the account, check if it is possible to connect to Internet banking, find out what services the bank will provide you.
Step 2
Also determine the number of bank branches and ATMs in your city. Read opinions and reviews about the bank in various media, on forums on the Internet or in ratings. Analyze all the information received and make a choice.
Step 3
Collect the package of documents required to open a current account. Write an application to the bank, make a copy of your passport and certify it with your signature. If you are in private practice or are an individual entrepreneur, then make copies of the relevant certificates and certificates certified by a notary.
Step 4
Visit the bank branch during business hours. Contact the bank manager and inform about your desire to open a current account. In some banks it will be necessary to fill out a questionnaire, which indicates some information about yourself. The manager will tell you about all the packages for current accounts that are provided by the bank, and will help you choose the best one. Sometimes, to open an account, you will need to make the first payment to the current account or pay a bank commission.
Step 5
Wait for the opening of a current account. This usually happens on the day of the application. Receive an agreement on opening a bank account indicating tariffs and conditions. If this bank allows customers to use remote account management, then you will receive keys to access telephone banking or Internet banking. Consult on changing and recovering passwords.