Starting their own business, many individual entrepreneurs ask themselves the question of which bank to open a current account for carrying out the necessary financial transactions. To make the right choice, you should carefully read the banks' offers and choose the best option for yourself.

Competition in the financial sector forces banks to keep pace with the times and release products that are convenient for their customers. They offer their services to individuals and legal entities, small businesses and individual entrepreneurs.
To choose the right bank in which the individual entrepreneur is going to open an account, you need to pay attention to a number of criteria, such as:
- the cost of opening a current account,
- account maintenance cost,
- availability and cost of Internet banking,
- availability and cost of a mobile bank,
- availability of the cost of sms-informing customers,
- the length of the operating day,
- commission for non-cash payments,
- cash withdrawal through ATMs, commission for the operation and others.
The most famous are banks such as:
- Sberbank,
- Alfa Bank.
- UBRD (Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development),
- Promsvyazbank.
Recently, modern and technologically advanced banks Tinkoff, Modulbank, Tochka are gaining popularity. All of them work with individual entrepreneurs, but offer their services on different terms.
For example, the time-tested Sberbank has developed a line of products for private and individual entrepreneurs for opening an account and cash settlement services. At the same time, by choosing the right tariff and service package, you can significantly save on cash settlement services. The speed of opening an account has also significantly increased. If earlier this figure was up to one day, now it has significantly decreased from 5-10 minutes to one hour. The advantages of Sberbank are:
- 24/7 customer support,
- Sberbank Business Online mobile application,
- service "Self-encashment",
- 20-hour operating day, seven days a week.
Regardless of the selected package of services for individual entrepreneurs, Sberbank provides options for free:
- payments to the budget,
- Sberbank Business Online,
- accounting for individual entrepreneurs without employees,
- for individual entrepreneurs, transfers to individual accounts up to 150,000 per month,
- statements of current operations.
Alfa-Bank is also one of the most reliable banks. Business tariffs in it are slightly more profitable than those of Sberbank. The advantages of cooperation with Alfa-Bank are the availability of convenient packages for doing business, a personal manager, a convenient mobile bank, an Internet bank.. An additional bonus is getting legal advice and a coupon for contextual advertising. The bank is reliable and deserves attention.
The cost of servicing a current account with UBRD, payments for legal entities is lower than that of competitors - “veterans of banking”. But this bank also has its minor drawbacks, including paid SMS-informing and a short operating day (09.00 - 18.30).
Special conditions also exist for clients of Promsvyazbank, B&N Bank and Otkritie banks. Among them - free account opening and Internet bank connection, no commission for the first cash deposit into the account, free service for three months at all business tariffs, except for the “Ready to go” tariff.
Tinkoff Bank is a bank where you can open a current account only by leaving a request on the company's website. Work with him is carried out remotely. To open an account, you do not need to travel to the office (there is only one and is located in Moscow): the bank representatives themselves will come to the client at a convenient time for him. The advantages of the bank are:
- long operating day,
- up to two months of free service,
- instant money transfer,
- mobile app,
- Internet banking,
- personal manager,
- accrual of interest on the account balance up to 8 percent,
- 24/7 customer support and many other useful options.
Clients have a positive opinion of Modulbank and Tochka Bank, which is part of the Otkritie financial group.
The point specializes only in working with entrepreneurs. To open an account, a visit to the bank branch is not required: the manager will arrive at a convenient time for the client and draw up the necessary documents. After the conclusion of the contract, a current account will be opened within an hour. The advantages of working with the Tochka bank are the ability to choose a favorable tariff,
- long operating day,
- interest accrual on the balance (up to 7%),
- functional mobile application,
- integration with Moe Delo and Kontur. Elba.
Modulbank allows you to quickly and easily open a current account, choose a free tariff, connect free Internet banking. The benefits also include:
- insurance of customer accounts is compulsory,
- low commissions for withdrawing funds to cards,
- integration with online accounting departments "My Business" and "Kontur. Elba".
- Among the shortcomings, one can note the commissions on payments that are noticeable for small individual entrepreneurs (up to 90 rubles per operation) and the absence of interest accrual on the balance of funds.
Before opening an account with these or other banks, an entrepreneur should carefully study and compare the terms of the agreement, tariff plans and service packages. And only after that contact the bank.