A bank account is opened to link to many banking products that you use: a bank card, a loan, a deposit, etc. But it can exist on its own and perform the same function: storing your free funds on it, crediting receipts in your favor, write-offs of outgoing payments, including cash withdrawals.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - visit to the bank branch;
- - money for the first installment (not always).
Step 1
You should start the procedure for opening an account by choosing a bank. Evaluate how the services offered meet your needs, how convenient it will be for you to visit it if necessary, whether there is Internet banking and telephone banking and whether you need them, are you satisfied with the tariffs, in what currencies you can open accounts, etc., depending on the situation …
Do not be lazy to call the call centers of the banks of interest, visit their branches: these impressions will help with the final choice. Feedback from other clients will also be useful: positive or negative prevails in them, what are they satisfied with, what they are not, etc.
Step 2
Visit the bank of your choice and inform the operator of your desire to open an account. Most likely, he will ask a series of questions to find out what exactly and for what purposes you need, will offer several options to choose from.
After you settle on some option, you will be asked to study a package of documents. If not, ask for it yourself.
It is better to take the time and carefully read everything, especially the entries in small print, if available. If something does not suit you categorically, it is better to refuse services. If you have the slightest doubt, do not hesitate to ask the teller questions, including uncomfortable ones.
Step 3
When it comes to issuing an invoice, in most cases you only need a passport. An exception is an account linked to a loan product. But in this case, we are not talking about an account, but about a loan or credit card.
Show your passport to the operator, check and sign the documents offered by him.
Step 4
Some banks require a down payment to the account to be opened. In this case, you will be offered to pay the required amount to the bank's cash desk. Often, this minimum deposit represents a minimum balance - an amount that must always remain in the account while the customer is using it. You can only get it back when you close your account. But there are also frequent options when you can use this money even on the same day.
The condition of depositing a commission for banking services on the account on the day of its opening is also possible: maintaining an account, issuing and annual servicing of a bank card, etc., depending on the tariff policy of a particular credit institution.
Step 5
If you connect an Internet client and mobile banking to your account, the teller will give you access keys (login, password, scratch card when used by a specific bank) or instructions for their self-activation. In some banks, the condition for activation in these systems may be the first receipt of money on the account: not less than a certain amount or any.