Dropshipping is one type of online business that generates good income. If you are a good programmer or a great organizer, then this business is for you.

The whole point is that the buyer makes an order via the Internet, pays for it, you, as an intermediary, receive a percentage of this product, order the goods from the supplier to the buyer's address, and here your work ends.
Looking further, the supplier assumes the obligation to send the order for processing and then forward it to the buyer's address.
Why is this business good? Yes, the fact that almost no investments are needed, except for a computer, a phone for negotiations with suppliers, and a couple of thousand rubles to promote the created site and advertise for the sale of a certain product.
Before starting to develop in this business, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze all markets for all types of goods. Without good analysis, you can lose time, and even a little money.
In fact, dropshipping is a regular online store, but the only difference is that the sale of goods is carried out directly from the supplier.
A dropshipper, as it is now customary to call a person who sells goods over the Internet, is an intermediary between a buyer and a supplier. His responsibilities include maintaining his site, advertising it, promoting it, making it popular, accepting orders from potential customers and transferring all data to the supplier. The rest of the issues with packing, packaging, delivery of the goods are decided by the owner of the goods.
Let's consider one of the examples of the sale of men's watches of a certain brand. You find the most profitable supplier for yourself, who offers the lowest price for this product, call, write off with him. Suppliers are usually willing to arrange cooperation.
The dropshipper sets the cost of the goods himself, pricing it at his will. The most important thing is not to go overboard with the price, otherwise the buyer will pass by.
There are, of course, disadvantages of this business:
1) The customer is attached to you, so with a low delivery speed, all the bumps will fall on you, which can affect your image.
2) Before starting cooperation with any of the suppliers, you must make sure of the quality of the goods.
3) The type and packaging of the goods sent can also damage the reputation.
Therefore, in order to minimize all risks, it is necessary to study everything in advance, familiarize yourself with all the pitfalls, and study the legal framework.