For obvious reasons, the funeral business will always be successful. Despite this, opening it and managing it competently is not an easy task. You have not only to go through the usual stages of opening any business (search for premises, registration), but also to establish a customer search system, to make the range of funeral services wide enough.

It is necessary
premises, registration, customer search system, advertising, staff, contractors
Step 1
A funeral home can provide a variety of services: the selection and delivery of wreaths and a coffin, and the provision of hearses and transport for the loved ones of the deceased, and the production of monuments, coffins and mourning ribbons, and much more. Therefore, to begin with, you will need to decide what services you will provide. The more there are, the faster your business will pay off, but the more difficult it will be to organize it.
Step 2
After you have decided on the list of services, start looking for premises for a funeral home. It should be large enough to house the bureau's office, a showroom for coffins and wreaths, and possibly a small morgue. It will be good if it will be located in an accessible place not very far from any cemetery.
Step 3
From the staff, you will need to hire several funeral agents who will directly communicate with clients, accompany them to the cemetery, etc. You will also need a salesperson to showcase and sell funeral merchandise and an accountant. Depending on the type of service you provide, other workers (coffin and wreath makers, handymen) may also be required.
Step 4
In order for you to have clients, it is important to organize a notification system about those in need of your services. This means that it will be necessary to conclude appropriate agreements with hospitals, ambulance services. You also need to think about advertising. It should not be annoying; it will be enough to place advertisements in the press.
Step 5
If you do not plan to engage in the manufacture of goods for the funeral, then you will need to conclude contracts for their supply with contractors. You can find them via the Internet, this market is quite small.
Step 6
To legalize your funeral home, you will need to open a company - LLC. You can register an LLC at the tax office. You can do this yourself or entrust it to a law firm.