After the expiration date, the credit card is blocked. In some cases, such an event can cause a lot of inconvenience. Some banks practice early issue of the card, so you can get it even before the expiration of the previous one. Most often, it takes several days or weeks to get a new credit card. All funds of the old account during this time are not available to you.

Front side of credit card
The validity period is indicated on the front of the card. The numbers in the format 00 00/00 00 usually indicate the beginning and the corresponding end of the service. Sometimes on the card only the expiration date is indicated and the phrase "valid until" is attributed. It is blocked at 00 hours 00 minutes of the last day of its action.
You can receive information about the expiration date of a credit card by e-mail. To do this, you need to make an appropriate request to the bank.
Please note that blocking is only a limitation of transactions performed on the card. For example, withdrawing cash from ATMs or paying for purchases in stores. In this case, the account remains active. That is why, if you did not manage to replace the card, then you can still put funds on it. Such an operation is done through the bank's cash desk.
Service agreement
When you receive a credit card, you sign a contract and a receipt for the envelope. Please read these documents carefully. The validity period of the credit card must be indicated in the text of the agreement. There is a special item "Loan term", "Credit card validity period" or "Terms of service". In addition, sometimes this information is indicated on the envelope in which the card is handed over to you.
Most credit cards can be managed through personal accounts. You can find out the validity period in a similar way. The personal account contains complete information about the conditions for the provision of credit cards.
Information request
The contact number of the bank is indicated on the credit card, in the agreement and on the envelope. If you do not have the opportunity to study these documents, then you can check the phone number at the bank branch or find the data on the Internet. Each bank has its own website with detailed details. By calling the specified phone number and providing the specialist with your data, you can clarify the validity period of your credit card at any time of the day. To obtain such information, you must have your passport with you and remember the secret word.
Bank branches
At the branch of the bank that issued the credit card, you will be provided with the maximum amount of information you are interested in. By contacting the employees with your passport, you will receive a printout with your credit card details.
Please note that only the owner of a credit card can find out any information about a credit card. Even if you show the passport of the person for whom the contract is drawn up, the bank has the right to refuse.