The game server of any online game is, first of all, entertainment. Many start out by simply wanting to have their own personal server. However, with its help, you can not only recoup the costs of its creation and maintenance, but also make a profit.

Step 1
Considering the server as a product for sale, it is easy to understand that the main components that affect the number of customers will be quality and uniqueness. Let's consider each of these aspects in more detail.
Step 2
Applying the definition of "quality" in relation to the server refers to the quality of the game itself, the technical side of the game, the relationship between the players and the rules of the game. The quality of your server means consistently low ping, adequate players and strict control over the observance of game and moral and ethical rules. Remember that players come to rest. Promote a friendly atmosphere on the server in every possible way. Take preventive measures in the form of a temporary or permanent ban against players who do not comply with the rules of ethics and server rules.
Step 3
The uniqueness of the server is determined by plugins, models, or mods that are installed on it. The most important thing is to make the uniqueness of your server a business card that does not irritate your eyes, but also makes it stand out from the crowd. Find a middle ground between an unusual modification of a simple game and the gameplay familiar to players from other servers.
Step 4
When choosing a mod, give preference to those that imply a simple formula, according to which the longer the player plays on your server, the more opportunities open up before him. In Counter-Strike WCS servers, these are new races, skills, levels; in servers like zombie plague, these are special bonuses that increase the player's advantage over others. Find a balance between simple leveling and complex, so that it is difficult, but at the same time available to someone who wants to spend time on it. In addition, this is the first step in monetizing the server - you can sell long-term pumping bonuses for real money to those who want to buy them.
Step 5
By making your server attractive to players, you will ensure high traffic around the clock, and this is where you can proceed to the second step of monetization - selling administrator rights with various bonuses, or selling immunity from the actions of an administrator who bought his rights. The arithmetic is simple: the more interesting and popular your server is, the more players will want to invest in getting an advantage over the rest.