OSAGO - compulsory motor third party liability insurance provides for the insurance of your liability to third parties. This means that in the event of an accident, the insurance company of the perpetrator of the accident compensates the damage to the injured party. The culprit of the accident has no right to count on insurance payments. It would seem that the truth is on the side of the victim in an accident, and payments for compulsory motor third party liability insurance are a matter of course. But receiving payments is associated with a considerable number of formalities that the injured party must comply with literally from the moment the insured event occurs.

It is necessary
- - Certificate from the traffic police about participation in an accident in the form of 748;
- - Protocol and Resolution on administrative violation;
- - Application to the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event;
- - Notification of an accident;
- - A copy of the vehicle owner's passport and a power of attorney to conduct business (if the vehicle was driven by power of attorney at the time of the accident);
- - Certificate of registration of the vehicle (technical passport);
- - Driver's license;
- - Details of the current account for the transfer of insurance compensation.
Step 1
To receive insurance compensation under the MTPL policy, the injured party will have to start acting immediately upon the occurrence of an accident. This is if the fault of the other side is obvious. If the case is controversial, it is required to act on both sides. It is necessary to establish the witnesses of the accident. To do this, use your mobile phone camera to record the numbers of passing cars and parked nearby. Write down the names and phone numbers of the witnesses. In a disputable case, witnesses of the accident will help to establish the true culprit, which will further enable the injured party to receive insurance payments.
Step 2
Call the traffic police and inform the dispatcher of your insurance company about the accident. He can provide additional advice. Together with another participant in the accident, fill in the Accident Notices attached to the insurance policy and sign each other's copy if the accident is controversial. If the culprit is obvious, the injured party fills in the Notice.
Step 3
On the day of the accident, you must get a certificate from the traffic police in the form of 748 with a description of all visible damage to the vehicle and the alleged culprit of the accident. Before a final conclusion is made about the perpetrators and victims of the accident, an inquiry takes place, when all participants and witnesses of the accident are interviewed. At the end of the work of the inquiry group, on the basis of the conclusion of the administrative commission, a Resolution on administrative violation is issued, which indicates the culprit and the victim in the accident.
Step 4
An important point: there is no need to wait for the receipt in your hands of the Resolution and go to the insurance company with the entire package of documents. By law, you are required to report an insured event within 15 calendar days. Missing documents can be brought later. Make a register of the documents you submitted, it is also advisable to make photocopies of them in case of loss.
Step 5
Another important point: if you drove a car under a power of attorney, then you will have to issue a notarized power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle to receive insurance compensation.
Step 6
After you submit the necessary documents, the insurance company will appoint a date for the examination within 5 days. It will be useful for you to find out in advance in the car service the approximate cost of car repairs. But in no case should the vehicle be repaired before the examination. The examination is carried out at the expense of the insurer. If you disagree with the amount of the appraisal, you have the right to conduct an examination in another licensed appraisal firm. In this case, you pay the cost of the expert's services yourself. You should notify the insurance company about the re-examination, as well as the person responsible for the accident, about the place and time of its carrying out.
Step 7
The insurance company is obliged to pay the indemnity under OSAGO within 30 days from the date of receipt of the entire package of documents and certificates on the insured event by bank transfer (transfer to your current account). According to the CMTPL Rules, payment is made taking into account the vehicle's wear and tear as a percentage of the amount of the expert assessment. Since September 1, 2010, Russia has adopted a unified system for calculating vehicle depreciation, so that you yourself can check the correctness of the payment made by the insurance company.