Indirect taxes are taxes imposed in the form of a premium to the value or price of various goods and services. A distinctive feature of such taxes from direct ones is their determination depending on the taxpayer's income.

Step 1
Note the application number to which you can assign your indirect tax application. In turn, this appendix can be drawn up as a supplement to the tax return for indirect taxes. That is, approximately you should have the following "heading" for the application: "Appendix No. 9 to the Procedure for filing a tax declaration for indirect taxes (excise and value added taxes) when importing products into the Russian Federation from the territory of the Ukrainian Republic, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance Russia ".
Step 2
Write the name of the document: "Application for the importation of goods and payment of the amount of indirect taxes." If you draw up this statement in several copies, then mark the serial number of this document.
Step 3
Fill in the details of your organization: name, KPP and TIN, location of the company. If you are an individual entrepreneur, then enter your full name and address.
Step 4
Indicate the number of the contract, which is the basis for the preparation of this application and payment of indirect taxes. Then note the date that shows when this agreement was made.
Step 5
Fill the table. Enter the following information into it: product name; product value without tax; the price of goods with tax; the value of the tax rate; units of measurement of the product, its quantity; currency code; expenses for determining the amount of the tax base; series, number and date of the shipping document; number and date of the invoice; date of acceptance of products for registration.
Step 6
Calculate the totals of the data. Then write them in the last line of the table. Fill in the TN VED codes for goods subject to a reduced tax rate.
Step 7
Indicate the full name of the head of the organization and put all the necessary signatures (the head and the chief accountant of the organization) and the date of the document formation.