You can get a contribution by inheritance by contacting a notary at the place of opening of the inheritance with a special statement. After that, you will need to collect a package of documents for the credit institution in which the deposit is stored.

Receiving a deposit by inheritance includes three main stages: contacting a notary, drawing up documents, transferring them to a credit institution. At the first stage, the heir applies to the notary at the place of opening of the inheritance with a special statement in which he expresses his own intention to accept the inheritance. This appeal must be followed within six months, which are counted from the date of the opening of the inheritance (the day of the death of the testator or the date of recognizing him as dead by the decision of the judicial authorities). If other types of property (for example, a house or apartment) can be inherited without going to a notary (actual acceptance of the inheritance), then a deposit in the bank can be obtained only by filing the specified application, since the heir does not have access to these funds until a certain moment.
Registration of documents by the heir
After submitting an application for acceptance of the inheritance, one should expect the issuance of a certificate of the right to deposit, other property, since this document is the main confirmation of the rights of the heir. Such a certificate can be issued by a notary no earlier than six months after the opening of the inheritance. This rule exists in order to prevent violations of the rights of other heirs, who may also apply for the receipt of property. In addition to the certificate of the right to inheritance, you will need a death certificate of the testator, a document proving the identity of the heir, direct confirmation of the presence of a deposit in the bank (deposit agreement, bank card). In some cases, you will have to collect other documents, the list of which depends on the presence of other heirs and their number, the presence of a spouse or newborn children with the testator.
Contacting a credit institution
After receiving all the listed documents, the heir should contact the office of the bank in which there is an open deposit in the name of the testator. The specialists of the credit institution consider the received documents within a few days, after which they re-register the deposit in the name of the heir. The latter can, at its discretion, leave funds in non-cash form, concluding a new bank deposit agreement in its own name, or pick up cash at the cash desk of a credit institution. Additional costs when receiving a deposit by inheritance are minimized, since taxes are not levied on the heir.