In 2016, there will be a traditional increase in the size of the minimum wage. The indexation will affect the incomes of almost 700 thousand working citizens, and will also affect a number of benefits.

Contrary to expectations, in 2016 the minimum wage will grow by only 4% compared to 2015 and will amount to 6204 rubles per month. In relation to 2015, its size will increase by only 39 rubles. from 5965 rub. (for comparison, in 2015 the increase was 411 rubles.) Thus, a significant gap remained between the minimum wage and the established subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation, which amounted to 9.67 thousand rubles in the 3rd quarter of 2015. Also disproportionately low is the indexation of the minimum wage against the background of the observed inflation in the country and the fall in real incomes of citizens (by almost 10% in November).
Earlier in the Ministry of Labor, proposals were made to increase the minimum wage in 2016 to 7189 rubles. per month (+ 20.7%). Another bill called for the introduction of a minimum wage in the amount of 6,675 rubles. in 2016. But after numerous discussions, the government decided not to carry out a significant indexation of the minimum wage in order to support small businesses. This is, first of all, about the contributions of individual entrepreneurs to the PFR, which are tied to the minimum wage. As a result, insurance premiums will increase by only 4% compared to 2015. Fines and other fees will increase by the same amount, which is calculated according to the minimum wage.
However, if for entrepreneurs the insignificant growth of the minimum wage in 2016 is rather positive news, then for other categories it indicates a slight increase in their income. So, in the Russian Federation there are about 700 thousand workers whose salaries are tied to the minimum wage. But we must not forget that the minimum wage is also established at the regional level. So, in Moscow, an employee's salary cannot be lower than 17,300 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 11,700 rubles.
Tied to the minimum wage and the size of child benefits for childcare up to 1, 5 years for the unemployed and individual entrepreneurs. So, the minimum child allowance (which is guaranteed by the state) in 2016 will amount to 2867.85 rubles. when on vacation for the first child, for the second (and subsequent) children - 5,735.69 rubles.