Often, the need to receive additional funds on a credit card may arise when the available limit has already been exhausted. In this situation, banks offer the service of increasing the credit card limit. Depending on the bank providing such a service, the conditions can be very diverse.

Step 1
To increase the credit card limit via the Internet, you must write a corresponding statement indicating additional details and the reason why there is a need to increase the credit card limit. As a rule, the term for a bank to consider such an application is from 2 to 5 days.
Step 2
To increase the credit card limit, you can apply with a verbal application to the bank by calling the hotline. The disadvantage of such an appeal is the high risk of the bank's refusal to provide this service.
Step 3
If you have been a credit card holder for a short time or have had late payments, the bank will most likely refuse to increase your credit card limit.
Step 4
To get a large credit card limit, you need to submit a package of documents to the bank in addition to the application. The most basic and significant document is a certificate of income from the place of work, which is drawn up either in the form of the employer or in the form of a bank. Depending on the size of the average earnings, the bank determines the amount of the limit for each borrower individually. The second, no less important document is a certificate confirming the existence of permanent registration. This is necessary so that the bank can easily find its client in case of debt. Of course, the bank will need to provide a document proving the identity of the borrower (passport). If desired, the bank may ask to provide additional documents: a driver's license, an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, a document on real estate ownership and others.