You can use your credit card every day and not know the account number associated with it. But when the time comes to make the next loan payment or transfer money to the card, you cannot do without this information.

Step 1
Contact one of the branches of your bank. This is the easiest way to find out your account number. When visiting a bank, it is enough to have only a passport and a credit card with you.
Step 2
Use an ATM. In order not to waste time standing in lines at a bank branch, you can get the necessary details at an ATM. To do this, you need to make a request about the state of the account. The ATM will issue a check containing all the data required to transfer funds, including your credit account number. The service is provided free of charge.
Step 3
Call customer service. Every major bank has a toll-free telephone line where customers from any region of Russia can contact. During the call, the bank specialist will ask for the code word you specified when opening the account, as well as the digital code that you can find on your credit card. All this is necessary in order to identify you as the true owner of the card. If you know all this data, you can easily find out your account number.
Step 4
Find the documents on the card. The account number is written in the contract that was handed out to you along with the credit card.
Step 5
Use internet banking. This is the most modern and efficient way to find out your credit account number. All banks call this service differently: in Alfa Bank - "Alfa-click", in Sberbank - "Sberbank Online", in Russian Standard Bank - "Bank in your pocket", etc. But the essence is always the same - the ability to manage your account via the Internet. Usually this service is provided free of charge or for a very nominal fee. Having entered your "Personal Account" on the official website of the bank, you can see the account number linked to your credit card.