Do I Need To Change Documents For A Loan When Changing A Surname

Do I Need To Change Documents For A Loan When Changing A Surname
Do I Need To Change Documents For A Loan When Changing A Surname

The loan agreement must be drawn up for a certain civilian, therefore, the surname, first name and patronymic appearing in the document must remain valid throughout the entire period of its validity. When changing the surname, it is imperative to contact the bank to enter the relevant data.

Do I need to change documents for a loan when changing a surname
Do I need to change documents for a loan when changing a surname

Procedure for changing the surname

In the event of a change of surname, it is important to obtain a new passport as soon as possible, where all the updated data of the civilian will be indicated. A similar need often arises for women after marriage, but sometimes men also encounter it if they decide to take their wife's surname or simply change it of their own free will. It is with a new passport that you need to visit the branch of the bank that issued the loan, taking with you the previously concluded loan agreement.

Renewal of the contract will not take much time. Its terms will remain unchanged, and the client will only need to re-sign the papers, putting a personal signature on them in accordance with the changed surname. Nevertheless, if you have a small amount left to pay, you can do this and wait for a notification from the bank about the full repayment of the debt. In this case, the previously concluded loan agreement will simply terminate.

The need to reissue papers when changing a surname largely depends on the terms of a particular contract. For example, in the case of a car loan, the client will need to make changes not only to the loan agreement, but also to the car pledge agreement. It is important not to forget about the need for the subsequent re-registration of the vehicle title, driver's license, registration certificate, car insurance policies.

If you have a loan for real estate, you will have to re-conclude a mortgage agreement and re-register it with Rosreestr. The corresponding changes are also made to the insurance. Similar actions are performed with other registered banking products, for example, a debit or credit card. The client submits a written application with a request to reissue the card in connection with the change of name. Issuance of a new product will take from several working days to 1-2 weeks, depending on the conditions of the bank.

You shouldn't hesitate with updating the card and wait for its expiration date, since it can be stolen, lost or blocked for some reason. In such cases, it will be difficult to prove that it was you who owned it. The same applies to any agreement concluded with the bank: some organizations, when clarifying the fact of violation of the contract, can simply terminate it or refer the case to the law enforcement authorities.

Change of surname as a way to avoid a loan

Some citizens hope that changing their last name will help them hide from banking supervision and avoid paying off loan arrears. This is a fundamentally erroneous opinion, since in case of evading debt reimbursement, the bank will report the violation to law enforcement agencies, and the defaulter will be put on the interregional wanted list. Finding a person, even with a changed last name, is quite simple: the passport office and the tax office can provide the relevant information.

Evasion of payment of a loan is equivalent to an administrative or criminal offense (depending on the size of the debt and the presence of previously committed offenses by the citizen). Even if it is not possible to find a person, his closest relatives (husband or wife) will come into view, who may be obliged to pay the entire amount or part of it for the debtor (collection agencies and bailiffs are engaged in such proceedings).

You should not try to change your last name in order to correct your credit history for the better: if you previously had cases of late repayment of debt, the bank will in any case find it out, since the credit history is formed on the basis of the totality of all passport data. In some cases, when the new passport does not have a stamp about the series and number of the old one, and the bank's credit history does not contain additional information about the borrower (TIN and SNILS), the organization may not establish the fact of a citizen's appeal with a changed surname, however, such an act on his part treated as fraud. Thus, it is better to follow the legal path and not try to change your credit history using dangerous and illegal methods: this can attract the attention of law enforcement agencies.
