How To Pay A Loan Through An ATM

How To Pay A Loan Through An ATM
How To Pay A Loan Through An ATM

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Today there is no need to stand in a long queue at the bank to make a monthly loan payment. Everything will be much easier and faster if you use the services of an ATM. Moreover, this device can accept payment both from a bank card and in cash.

How to pay a loan through an ATM
How to pay a loan through an ATM

It is necessary

  • - cash or bank card;
  • - number of the loan account;
  • - the date of the conclusion of the contract.


Step 1

If you want to pay off the loan in cash, you will only need an ATM that has a special window for accepting bills. All that is needed for this is to know the number of the loan account, consisting of 20 digits, and the date of the agreement. This information can be clarified at any branch of your bank.

Step 2

Go to the terminal of the bank where you took out the loan. Select "Loan repayment" from the menu on the screen. Following the prompts of the system, enter the number of the loan account and the date of the agreement. After that, all information about your loan will appear on the screen: the full amount of the debt, the part paid and the invoice for payment in the current month. Select "Pay" and insert the money into the bill acceptor. The screen should display the entire amount you gave. Click “Pay” again and your money will be credited to your bank account.

Step 3

Please note that the ATM does not issue change. Therefore, if you need, for example, to deposit 1999 rubles, you will have to pay 2000 rubles. You can pay either a lower amount or a higher one. However, in case of underpayment, the amount of the monthly payment will be higher next time. When inserting bills, try to enter them in small piles, otherwise the ATM may not accept them.

Step 4

To pay with a bank card, use any terminal of your bank. The steps for paying the loan will be identical to those described above, only first you will need to shove in your bank card and activate it using a pin code. You can also link the loan to your card so that next time it will be more convenient for you to pay it. To do this, just select the "Bind" item when the system asks you a similar question.

Step 5

Be sure to keep the check after the loan is paid until it is fully paid off. This is the only way you can prove the fact of depositing cash in case of possible system failures.
